View Full Version : help please; just updated to 4.2.008 and now my box is crashing

09-10-16, 19:06
hi all i've got a vu duo2 and i've just updated to VIX 4.2.008 and now my box crashes if i try to go into GraphicalEPG settings; i've checked other settings screens and the rest seem fine, it's just the GraphicalEPG settings screen that I can no longer access; I tried accessing through the menus but it crashed and was the same result by pressing menu inside the GraphicalEPG

I've uploaded the crash log; if this a known issue for this release or is there a file i need to add/change?

Thanks in advance

09-10-16, 19:11
Must be a skin issue at a guess I run a duo 2 and don't have the same issue

09-10-16, 19:22
Skin slyk-1 hd .. ... don,t think this is a ViX skin?
Guess you need to talk to the providers !

09-10-16, 19:26
thanks gibbletts i'll ask over in the appropriate skin thread; @twol - slyk-1-hd was created for OpenATV and OpenVIX; I've been running it perfectly fine with VIX for many months up until this recent update; perhaps the epgselection.py file has been updated in this release which is making the box clash and crash with something in the skin settings?

09-10-16, 19:42
Could it be related to the issues in here? http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?53585-blue-button-issue&highlight=Softcam

09-10-16, 19:44
it's not a skin error, because i just switched to the default vix skin vix-night-hd and tried accessing graphicalepg settings, and box crashed again ...

09-10-16, 19:47
Could it be related to the issues in here? http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?53585-blue-button-issue&highlight=Softcam

not sure, i don't seem to have any issues with softcam

from what i can see it's literally the graphicalepg settings ; i can access the full epg but i can;t go into the settings for it

09-10-16, 19:48
it's not a skin error, because i just switched to the default vix skin vix-night-hd and tried accessing graphicalepg settings, and box crashed again ...

The crash is after screen /setup, so just wondered what are you trying to change in the graphical epg?

09-10-16, 19:55
The crash is after screen /setup, so just wondered what are you trying to change in the graphical epg?

i just want to disable picons in the graphical epg and decrease the service name font size but still can't access

09-10-16, 19:55
Try with the default openvix epgselection.py from github from what I understand is that your using a modified version for bouquet selection tabs this may not be compatible with latest vix images

09-10-16, 20:02
Try with the default openvix epgselection.py from github from what I understand is that your using a modified version for bouquet selection tabs this may not be compatible with latest vix images

you're probably right there ; i'll check it out - so would that mean a new epgselection.py would need to be created or the old one updated for it to work with the latest image?

09-10-16, 20:06
Just copy and paste the contents from here
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenViX/enigma2/master/lib/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py over your epgselection.py on the box if that is the issue I could look at adding tabs on it maybe create a pull requst to add it

09-10-16, 20:18
Lots of changes at the moment, so if you are using the epg mod? or an altered epgselection there will be issues.

09-10-16, 20:19
Just copy and paste the contents from here
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenViX/enigma2/master/lib/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py over your epgselection.py on the box if that is the issue I could look at adding tabs on it maybe create a pull requst to add it

thanks dsayers will do; i've just got to wait an hour or so for the missus to catch up on her american horror story (most boring programme i've ever watched persoanlly) then i'll give it a go; if i reboot whilst she's in control of the remote i may need surgery !!! lol

09-10-16, 20:44
I haven't had chance to fully test this but used winmerge to add bouquet list try the default epgselection.py to see if that is the issue if it does try this version to add tabs 50787

09-10-16, 20:57
thanks dsayers; i added the default epgselection.py file from github but the box just bootlooped, so i downloaded the one you just uploaded, the box restarted ok and the tabs worked but trying to access the graphicalepg settings made the box crash again

do you think it may have something to do with epglist.py ? as far as i know the component epglist.py is the settings and epgselection is the screen gui ?

09-10-16, 21:02
if you think its the epglist.py you could go through the history and revert to the older versions
https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/commits/master/lib/python/Components/EpgList.py I wouldnt know where to start lol maybe try reflash with no settings restore

09-10-16, 21:05
if you think its the epglist.py you could go through the history and revert to the older versions
https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/commits/master/lib/python/Components/EpgList.py I wouldnt know where to start lol maybe try reflash with no settings restore

thanks i'll have a look ; appreciate your help

10-10-16, 17:59
update i gave up trying to fix the issue and decided to put 4.2.008 on a usb and reflashed the receiver from scratch, i set everything back up exactly as i had it, and the issue has resolved itself, not sure where the error was, but it's working now