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View Full Version : Phantom patch 25.12.10 7 day EPG 28.2 sky uk

08-01-11, 15:03
could not find any discussion of it on the forum so i thought i'd make a post to let people know.

so basically the phantom patch released on 25.12.10 now has included a 7 day sky uk epg. at present this epg is still in the early stages and will no doubt be updated and tweaked further in later patch releases but it's a huge step forward in my opinion.

in order to populate the epg you will need to tune your receiver into the following radio channel for approx 5 minutes ( the longer the better really )

Astra 2A (28.2E) - IEPG data 1 - 11778.00 V - 27500 2/3 - SID 4189

09-01-11, 10:46
Thats great news, this is one thing thats always steered me away from non-linux receivers. Hope they do the same for some of the other european providers.

09-01-11, 10:49
Thats great news, this is one thing thats always steered me away from non-linux receivers. Hope they do the same for some of the other european providers.

i know that at least one of the Australian teams have picked up on this and ported it to their box / network so hopefully it's just a matter of time before other teams follow suite and we finally after almost 20 years may get a decent EPG on a non network provided satellite receiver.

09-01-11, 14:26
Do you mean the 23-12-10?

09-01-11, 14:29
Do you mean the 23-12-10?

yes it was technically released on the 23rd but on on just about all sites was not uploaded till the 25th.

09-01-11, 14:34
This patch is still a work in progress so you might not get the full 7 days yet but any thing is better than now and next thanks techenomate

09-01-11, 14:40
This patch is still a work in progress so you might not get the full 7 days yet but any thing is better than now and next thanks techenomate

agreed it is a work in progress but as you said any thing is far better than just now and next. although i personally dont have any need for a EPG. i know tens of thousands do.
so thanks go to the phantom team for their hard work.

09-01-11, 16:51
Well Ive had it on for hour, but no epg data aprt from now and next????

09-01-11, 16:59
Well Ive had it on for hour, but no epg data aprt from now and next????

i dont have a non linux box to test it with but there are many many reports from dozens of forums of this working including form digidude him self. but as already said this is very early days yet.

09-01-11, 17:08
do you know if this will work on a echostar ad3600ipva and i can test it for everyone as this is the only non linux box i have

09-01-11, 17:11
do you know if this will work on a echostar ad3600ipva and i can test it for everyone as this is the only non linux box i have

the only images i have seen this incorporated into at present are the phantom patches for the non linux TM's and some random Australian box / image combo.
it has yet to be ported to any other as far as i am aware.

09-01-11, 17:12
the only images i have seen this incorporated into at present are the phantom patches for the non linux TM's and some random Australian box / image combo.
it has yet to be ported to any other as far as i am aware.

ok mate thanks no probs

09-01-11, 17:37
Just got it working. Prob was that when you tune into that radio channel you must then press epg, leave for few minutes, works perfect!!!!

11-01-11, 20:10
there are still a few tweaks to get this fully working. i tried telling DM when he was releasing the patches how to implement it, but was turned away. Once the Phant0m took over, the first thing i did was traced him, and offered the information, and now here it is implemented in the patches :)

the tweaking will mean that the receiver will sort out the EPG data by itself, but, this patch shows everybody that not only is it totally possible, but also that support for non linux technomate receivers is still going strong, no matter what some forums may say

11-01-11, 20:13
there are still a few tweaks to get this fully working. i tried telling DM when he was releasing the patches how to implement it, but was turned away. Once the Phant0m took over, the first thing i did was traced him, and offered the information, and now here it is implemented in the patches :)

the tweaking will mean that the receiver will sort out the EPG data by itself, but, this patch shows everybody that not only is it totally possible, but also that support for non linux technomate receivers is still going strong, no matter what some forums may say

non linux TM's are not only some of the most aesthetically pleasing receivers but there some of the strongest receivers on the market as far as i am concerned.
yes i do love my linux boxes but there will always be a place for a non linux TM amongst my box of tricks, especially when they have people like you working behind the scenes.

20-01-11, 16:16
anybody got a screenshot of the epg? thinking of getting this box now it has 7 day epg.

20-01-11, 16:26
Take a look in the manual, there may be some screenshots


20-01-11, 16:33
it's still very very early days for the 7day epg on the non linux TM's although they will no doubt improve with time.

24-01-11, 01:44
I've bought this as a first box and so far so good, very easy to setup.

My only gripe is that I can't find a good channel list that properly replicates all the sly channel numbers and categories (favs) like what I've seen available for dreambox

Anybody have one that they've modified? I'm currently using this one

Only really interested in the channels on 28E as I have a fixed dish.

24-01-11, 06:22
Try this list here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?5122-BM7000s-channel-lists or you could do a scan and dump your channels on usb memory stick, then edit your favourites with this editor http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?5121-BM7000s-Channel-list-editor

Both the TM5402 and the BM7000s use the same channel lists / editors.

24-01-11, 08:50
Try this list here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?5122-BM7000s-channel-lists or you could do a scan and dump your channels on usb memory stick, then edit your favourites with this editor http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?5121-BM7000s-Channel-list-editor

Both the TM5402 and the BM7000s use the same channel lists / editors.

Cheers, I'll give that a try, didn't know they were same as BM7000s, thanks for the info

24-01-11, 10:27
Personally I'd do a scan, dump the channels onto a USB stick and create my own favourites using NDF Edit. To dump the channel list just goto usb data transfer menu.

24-01-11, 21:19
That channel list attached is more like what i'm after, has all the channels and all the categories as favs same as sky. (this might make the missus take more of an interest lol) is there anyways of using NDFedit to change the channel number?


24-01-11, 22:03
can you replicate sky numbering for the technomate non-linux boxes? eg 401 sky sports 1?

29-01-11, 18:01
Hi there, does the latest 703p for the non Super series offer the 7 day EPG? Cheers for any help on this.

29-01-11, 19:32
Well I downloaded 703p & flashed my 6800+, I left it on IEGP data 1 for more than five miuntes but nothing downloaded, anybody else out there with a non Super model got this working?

29-01-11, 19:37
you have to put the receiver into epg mode while it's on the epg data channel.

29-01-11, 20:04
you have to put the receiver into epg mode while it's on the epg data channel.

I'll give it another shot, I just switched the receiver on, put it into the complete channel list for 28e, selected the data channel to view & then entered the EPG whilst sitting on it. The Wife is watching the $ky box just now, so that will give it plenty of time to populate the EPG.

29-01-11, 20:37
It aint working, hey ho, I had a gut feeling that this was to good to be true.

13-02-11, 10:33
It aint working, hey ho, I had a gut feeling that this was to good to be true.

Working here, been testing it last few days :)

13-02-11, 11:09
I have heard the epg only has the program name, no program description. Is this true, and any idea when software will come out to add the program description?

13-02-11, 13:28
the data also contains the programme description, on the 5402 its all stores on USB, i think with the 6902 it may also be on USB, but with the 7102 its all stored on internal flash memory

but the downloaded data deffo contains the programme discriptions as well

18-02-11, 20:12
Working here, been testing it last few days :)

Yeah buddy, looks like it just works on the newer "Super" models, Cant complain, I have alot of respect for my 6800+.:)

18-02-11, 20:15
the data also contains the programme description, on the 5402 its all stores on USB, i think with the 6902 it may also be on USB, but with the 7102 its all stored on internal flash memory

but the downloaded data deffo contains the programme discriptions as well

Digidude do you have a list of Models that this patch works on? Does it work on the older 6800 & 6900 Supers etc?

03-03-11, 14:19
I've been an owner of a 5402 now for the last couple of day and I had an issue with the EPG downloading at first. I tried to do it when I had connected the usb after powering on, and it would not pick up the programme descriptions. I manually rebooted the box and tuned to the EPG radio channel and it started pulled the programme descriptions down.

Does anyone now the file name for the EPG and extactly where it is installed on the usb disk as I cannot see it? Is it hidden?

Many thanks.

05-04-11, 08:57
The EPG popluates on my 5402 but only with the programme title and not the programme info.
FYI im using a cruzer 16gb usb stick and whilst playing with the EPG, I did see a file created on it called something like EventData.??? but its not there now yet the EPG is popluated (still no info)
Perhaps the EPG only works fully on certain usb sticks?
Any thoughts?


05-04-11, 11:16
I asked about five people before. The general view is that only the epg titles are available. My thought is whats the point of that? Not sure if the new update (109) has addressed that?