View Full Version : [ET7x00] settings backup

20-09-16, 20:24

After I run a settings backup can I use this backup to restore to another box, different hardware but running the same version and build number.

20-09-16, 21:58
i would think not,many different boxes on the same image and version would have image made adjusted for that model only.

images are not universal but box dependent,hence double checking is vital to make sure you dont brick it.

20-09-16, 22:03
... images clearly can't be transferred, but settings can be restored to any VIX image, I would have thought.

20-09-16, 22:10
and if one box has sat tuners and other has cable tuners:eek:but he mentions different hardware:confused:if in doubt play it safe

20-09-16, 22:12
..... I still reckon it will be ok.

20-09-16, 22:16
My own assumption is that settings would be ok but definitely not restoring an image of course.
I just hoped someone might have a definitive answer.

21-09-16, 06:35
Without thinking it through recently:) (a dumb day, I was rushing off on holiday!) I flashed a new image and restored settings from the other ET8500 ....... screwed up the mounts, fallback receiver IP, IP address and a few other things:)
When I came back from holiday couldn,t understand why some things were not working ...... especially changing bouquets across receivers:)
Lost 3 hours before I realised what I had done:)

So I would not do it....... again:) .....and would not advise anyone to do it!