View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD+ PLUS] Gigablue Quad HD Plus - Vix Recordings & Timeshift crashes.

10-09-16, 16:14
I have a Gigablue quad HD Plus which has worked flawlessly for nearlly 2 years. i have recently reflashed with what was the latest version of vix and all works well apart from the recordings and timeshift. The recordings play back fine but when they finish of I attempt to exit the reording, the gigablue crashes with the loading icon going on a loop. This happens everytime. Timeshift also works untill i attempt to return to live TV where it crashes everytime. Anyone have any idea why this might be happening or any potential fix? I have since reflashed with the newest release 4.2.004 (a few weeks between this and the last) and am experiencing the same problems. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

10-09-16, 17:36
This is a driver bug that needs fixing by GB.

10-09-16, 19:52
I experience a crash when pressing STOP when in time shift.
This is the only bug left. It's very annoying but I've learned to work around it (jumping by pressing 9 to jump 4 minutes until exited time shift)

Do we know if it's being worked on?

10-09-16, 20:12
I hope it is because it is annoying as hell. Is this kind of stuff usually sorted through a system update? If so, how long does it usually take them to provide an update fix?

10-09-16, 21:06
Similar on my GB Quad Plus. Hope an update is sooner rather than later.

10-09-16, 21:40
Is it too much to hope that this driver bug will be fixed?

10-09-16, 21:43
Had my first crash in what feels like years today, only just reflashed with 4.2004 from 4.1 whatever.

I suspect this is related to this thread, it was when I watched a recording that I'd previously part viewed and when I started it, it asked me whether to restart from current position and I selected the no option (cant remember exact wording)

Was a quick reboot so I suspect just the gui restarted

10-09-16, 21:44
Luckily I don't have this issue on the QUAD generation! ;)

11-09-16, 10:26
Had my first crash in what feels like years today, only just reflashed with 4.2004 from 4.1 whatever.

I suspect this is related to this thread, it was when I watched a recording that I'd previously part viewed and when I started it, it asked me whether to restart from current position and I selected the no option (cant remember exact wording)

Was a quick reboot so I suspect just the gui restarted

Ah just seen this is for the Quad Plus, my crash was on the normal Quad, only had the one though

12-09-16, 20:35
Is there any way to get Gigablue to prioritise a fix for this issue?

23-09-16, 22:30
Any fix yet guys? Still experiencing the same issues an really becoming a pain having to restart the box everytime I watch a recording or timeshift!

14-11-16, 11:00
Does anyone know if this is resolved yet? I've got two GB HD Ultra UE boxes, one has this problem and the other doesn't. The only difference between the two in hardware is the hard drive, one is Toshiba (the one with issues) the other is Seagate (this one is ok). Could the driver issue be related to a specific hard drive model? Both are running vix 4.2.

14-11-16, 17:41
I have 2 Quad+ ... I have a HD in one and a USB key in the other.
I'm seeing the crash on both devices.

15-11-16, 13:12
The only time I have an issue on timeshift on my Quad+ is when I have permanent timeshift on (automatically start after 10 seconds). Only crashes if I use the STOP key to get out of timeshift. If I change channel it gives me the warning "you are in timeshift....etc.". I don't have any issues with watching recordings. My other half uses the Quad+ every day to watch soaps which have been recorded.
The timeshift issue doesn't occur at all if I don't have permanent timeshift on. As in I press pause to go out and make a cuppa or whatever. I would quite often be playing catchup with the six o'clock news over the space of several programme changes and I get no issues.

15-11-16, 15:23
Only crashes if I use the STOP key to get out of timeshift.
Very good summary fat-tony
This is exactly the same as I'm seeing.

It's still very annoying though.

Do we know if Gigablue are aware and do they plan on fixing?

15-11-16, 17:36
I have had similar findings to fat-tony. From searching around I think there are two very similar issues with timeshift/recordings and Gigablue boxes. The issue I was getting that sparked the question was when pressing stop to exit timeshift or recordings the box would display a spinning loading icon in the corner of the screen and appear to lock up. The only way to fix this was a hard reboot using the power rocker switch at the back.

There is another issue that I get on both Gigablue boxes where when exiting timeshift/recordings using the stop button it causes a proper Vix crash screen to appear, reboots itself after 10secs and everything is ok again. That's a good tip about having permanent timeshift enabled, I will need to give that one a try. I've also found that the crash only happens while content is playing (recording or timeshifted - if that's even a word...) and you press the stop button to exit. If you pause the content first and then press stop it works as intended and returns to live TV.

15-11-16, 17:43
This must be very frustraing with users who use Gigablue. Is it safe to say that these receivers should be avoided?

15-11-16, 17:53
Hi guys

Will a revert back to previous software or even original software help solve the problem, must admit I do own one of these but never had a problem with time shift as far as I'm aware
just thought I throw the idea into the conversation to be considered.

15-11-16, 19:30
this problem will not be sorted until GB update their Drivers but i would not hold your breath as both me and Joe(fat-tony)have done a lot of testing over the last 6 month, or even longer but the problem still persists so i hardly use my Quad Plus now apart for testing new Vix builds but i try to avoid using time shift, and GB are probably to busy getting ready to release their New 4k Receivers so i do not think they will bother sorting out the poor old Quad Plus and it's a shame because it is a damn good Receiver even if the Remote sucks :rolleyes:

15-11-16, 21:09
this problem will not be sorted until GB update their Drivers but i would not hold your breath as both me and Joe(fat-tony)have done a lot of testing over the last 6 month, or even longer but the problem still persists so i hardly use my Quad Plus now apart for testing new Vix builds but i try to avoid using time shift, and GB are probably to busy getting ready to release their New 4k Receivers so i do not think they will bother sorting out the poor old Quad Plus and it's a shame because it is a damn good Receiver even if the Remote sucks :rolleyes:

So what image is safe to use then? Would it be like this regardless of what image is used?

15-11-16, 22:27
This must be very frustraing with users who use Gigablue. Is it safe to say that these receivers should be avoided?

As someone who uses the GB Quad+ as their daily main receiver I would not agree with this statement. The box is fast, super quiet (with an internal 1TB 2.5" drive and no fan) and pretty bulletproof as regards auto timer recordings. The only two issues I have are 1) - that crash when pressing STOP in permanent timeshift and 2) - the annoying "out of sync" sound track when I change (or try to change) from one audio stream to another. I firmly believe that all of my issues with this receiver have been down to the driver code. I think it's due to the way the DVB video/audio synchronisation have been implemented in the low-level drivers. The box has always woken from deep sleep to record and the general audio/video playback has been exemplary.

16-11-16, 06:24
The issue was introduced in oe-alliance branch 3.0 and has been reported to GB. Openmips and Openatv don't have the issue due to their timeshit being different to ours.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

16-11-16, 10:30
As someone who uses the GB Quad+ as their daily main receiver I would not agree with this statement.
I also think the box is super! Overall, I've very impressed with the box and OpenVix running on it.
The timeshift issue is just very annoying.
I hadn't realised that hitting PAUSE before STOP was a workaround. I tried last night and I couldn't get the box to crash.

The issue was introduced in oe-alliance branch 3.0 and has been reported to GB. Openmips and Openatv don't have the issue due to their timeshit being different to ours.

Interesting about Openmips and Openatv. I tried Openmips about a year ago and it had the same crash when pressing STOP while in timeshift

31-12-16, 21:37
I've figured out a workaround for this timeshift crash:
Download the source here:
Comment out line 371 in function ''stopTimeshiftcheckTimeshiftRunningCallback:


Copy the file /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/
Restart the UI

That's it. You can delete the Python source afterwards if you wish.

04-01-17, 21:31
birdman has proposed a more complete fix to this crash. I've tested it and it works perfectly.
Details here:

Hopefully it will get committed to openvix repo

06-01-17, 15:00
Ditto - have tested it a lot over the past couple of days. Was committed yesterday (5th), so we should see it soon!

08-01-17, 21:57
Thanks for testing fat-tony
It's great to finally have this issue fixed. It was really pi**ing me off so I decided to look at the source to see if I could figure out what was causing it.

09-01-17, 16:21
The Quad Plus is still a bit "flaky" with regard to timeshift navigation (ie jumping backwards and forwards within the timeshift buffer etc.) but at least it doesn't crash anymore.