View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] EPG blank initially then appears when tabbing prev/next

09-09-16, 23:22
When I launch EPG my boquet section is blank.
However when I tab next or prev all the programme data appears. I thought it may be skin issue but it happens on Blue-HD and Vix-Night-HD skins.

This is on os-mini , will be able to try on xtrend 8500 tomorrow.

When i type in the channel number, say 101, and then EPG appears the guide is populated.
I rebooted box , pressed EPG and was presented with same problem.

Hang on just trying something....
I set up my startup servce again ,rebooted and now working ok...

10-09-16, 09:02
have you setup your daily epg to update itself and to be stored to usb or hdd i would be asking,sometimes rebooting or powering back on again will leave blank epg and may have to download again.

10-09-16, 16:38
yes EPG on USB.

Strange goings on now..
When running ABM I an getting channels missing and 'cannot read data'...
All this is a result of setting 'Sky UK:generate main bouquet' in ABM Providors menu to No. I did this last night and its resulted in blank EPG and now missing channels and that error message.
I have deleted boquets prior to rescan but still same error.

10-09-16, 16:46
Now, I have rerun ABM and things are OK...

abu baniaz
10-09-16, 16:48
Is this an issue about channels or EPG? ABM has no interaction with EPG

post a picture next time this happens. logs would help too.

10-09-16, 18:18
I just did a fresh flash to 4.2 and my epg went blank too. Set a start up channel, re-booted and now it's working again. Thanks danlou!