View Full Version : [Venton Unibox HDx] quick openvix 4 (box suitablity question)

05-09-16, 01:15

Is it possible to use openvix4 on the following please

venton unibox
amiko alien 2 (or mini)


05-09-16, 01:46
Try here for the Venton
Not sure about the other.

05-09-16, 06:18
If its Venton HDx then yes 4.2.001 is supported. No support for any of the Amiko trash range.

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05-09-16, 07:07
The tuners in the Amiko are actually very good, with the right software they can open all kinds of possibilities.

05-09-16, 07:45
Still uses a hacked version of ViX which isn't good is it, regardless if the "tuners are very good".

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05-09-16, 10:07
Thanks for the input

07-09-16, 13:22
Ive used a couple of the Engima2 Amiko range and got on with them fine.

07-09-16, 13:55
I couldn't give a monkey's if you've had a couple of Amiko's, simple fact of the matter is ViX don't support that trash.

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07-09-16, 14:06
And have you yourself used one of them boxes

07-09-16, 14:33
You do realise you are using a hacked version of ViX yeah on your lovely Amiko boxes.

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07-09-16, 16:02
That wasn't the question I asked though. I asked have you ever used one of those boxes.

07-09-16, 19:27
Doubtful, why would anyone want to buy a box that uses a rip off of another teams hard work and effort?

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15-09-16, 11:17
How can it be a rip off image when Enigma2 is open source?

15-09-16, 12:15
Of course its a rip off of the ViX image. The Dev members put a lot of time n effort into doing this, in there own time as well and you get "them" just hacking the ViX image to suit. An absolute joke they are and NO SUPPORT will be given whatsoever.

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15-09-16, 12:51
Still uses a hacked version of ViX which isn't good is it, regardless if the "tuners are very good".

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalksorry missed this... err I use openPLI on it, as VIX doesn't officially support it.
I bought it because of the Tuners multicast abilitys.
I'm not aware if it is a clone or not, I needed it to do a specific job and it does it very well.

15-09-16, 14:48
sorry missed this... err I use openPLI on it, as VIX doesn't officially support it.
I bought it because of the Tuners multicast abilitys.
I'm not aware if it is a clone or not, I needed it to do a specific job and it does it very well.

JoshuaPutter was originally on about Amiko's, and this uses a hacked version on ViX.

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15-09-16, 15:14
Andy you still haven't answered my question that I asked you which was " Have you ever used one of those boxes yourself", or are you just saying that because that's what you have been told by one guy.

15-09-16, 15:20
You do realise you are using a hacked version of ViX yeah on your lovely Amiko boxes.

Why do you assume anyone who owns an Amiko box uses the 'hacked' ViX4project on it ? Amiko doesn't equal hacked ViX image.

I have an Amiko here with Taapat's image who is a very well respected E2 developer, it's based on Pli5 and supports multistream, and btw Taapat was instrumental in bringing multistream support to E2 using a Spark 7111 (Amiko).

I was using it for multistream and streaming it to my Solo 4k until Huevos added support for TBS5925 to ViX.

As much as I enjoy using ViX and IMO it's the most complete and refined E2 image ever there is big E2 world out there and some people need to broaden their horizons somewhat and see what else is going on outside of here and stop jumping on anyone who mentions Amiko.

I realise alot of ppl who do use ViX4project come here looking for support because they don't know any better but please can't we be nicer to them and educate them instead of jumping on them and even encourage them to buy a better cheaper E2 box appearing now from the sponsor which will offer them 'real' ViX support.

I realise the majority of members are here mainly for the great UK provider support but for me it's the only hobby I've ever stuck at and I like to delve outside of this and experiment a bit even if it means using a crappy Amiko which as mentioned has a very capable tuner.

15-09-16, 15:24
Even if it was a "Hacked Image" as you say it is they have done enough things to make it own like updated drivers which wasn't working on OpenVix.

15-09-16, 15:25
If you read the title and post #1 lumberjack clearly mentions ViX and Amiko. JoshPutter then piped up n it stems from there on. I'm referring to post #1 and ViX doesn't support trash like Amiko or Zgemma for that matter. End of discussion.

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15-09-16, 15:29
So are you going to say if you have used one of them boxes yet or you just gonna keep changing the subject.

15-09-16, 16:04
Why would I use that trash.

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15-09-16, 16:29
You don't seem to get it, if you incapable of anserweing the question I get I'll wait for someone that has more experience in Enigma2.

abu baniaz
15-09-16, 16:38
we do not support clones or the amiko and air digital receivers. those are the rules.

if someone wants to fork an image and make their own, you'd expect them to use a different name not one designed to mislead people.

15-09-16, 16:43
I'm not asking anyone to discuss the rules, I'm just saying that your "OpenVix Beta Tester" is referring to hardware as trash even though clearly hasn't used or even seen the product.

abu baniaz
15-09-16, 16:48
I'm not asking anyone to discuss the rules, I'm just saying that your "OpenVix Beta Tester" is referring to hardware as trash even though clearly hasn't used or even seen the product.

What is the current subject matter?

15-09-16, 16:51
I suggest you read the entire thread so you get up to speed or are you trying to avoid the question as well?

abu baniaz
15-09-16, 16:53
I suggest you read the entire thread so you get up to speed or are you trying to avoid the question as well?

There are several questions, which one are you asking at the moment?

15-09-16, 16:59
Why is your "OpenvVix Beta Tester" calling hardware a piece of trash, Even though has hasn't even used any of the hardware,

abu baniaz
15-09-16, 17:06
Unless it is a Vu+, it is rubbish in Andy's eyes. I suggest you raise the issue with Admin.

Is there anything else you want to ask/state relevant to the thread title?

15-09-16, 22:18
Well I've tested a few SH4 receivers, all poor with E2 imo. Amiko, golden interstar and another brand which doesn't come to mind right now. Anyway as Abu asked, what exactly is the subject now?


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16-09-16, 13:45
That's my point Abu like you say "Unless it is a Vu+, it is rubbish in Andy's eyes", You cant go round saying hardware is trash when you have no even seen the receiver let alone used it, He's only calling it trash is because a group of people have said so, Its one of the most sold receivers out there to date, everyone knows you cant beat sh4 chipset for picture quality.

16-09-16, 13:50
right ok, give it a rest.

16-09-16, 13:52
That's my point Abu like you say "Unless it is a Vu+, it is rubbish in Andy's eyes", You cant go round saying hardware is trash when you have no even seen the receiver let alone used it, He's only calling it trash is because a group of people have said so, Its one of the most sold receivers out there to date, everyone knows you cant beat sh4 chipset for picture quality.

Actually my Mut@nt HD2400 is one of the best, if not my best receiver I own. lol.

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16-09-16, 14:31
Where can i get one of those Mut@nt 2400 seems like the sponsors website is out of stock?

abu baniaz
16-09-16, 14:43
Since all parties have made their points. Thread is now closed.