View Full Version : [ABM-MISC] Openvix will not do nothing

04-09-16, 16:33
Please help, I am new to all this, was trying to get it started yesterday and just keeps coming up error. VIX sign is turing round at the top of the left hand screen and about 60 seconds later a message appears, saying " your receiver has encounted a problem and needs to be restarted and to log " but nothing is happening :(:eek:

04-09-16, 17:05
You'll need a bit more detail, what box you're using and what version of vix etc

04-09-16, 17:24
It is a Zgemma-star 2S

04-09-16, 17:31
its totally broken and unfixable, take it back to supplier.
there is nobody here that can help you with it.

04-09-16, 17:31
Buy a supported box and your problem will be gone

abu baniaz
04-09-16, 18:40
We don't support receivers created by Clone manufacturers here, nor hacked images. There is no ViX image for your receiver.

Flash an official image and ask on that image team's forum.