View Full Version : [MB Premium Micro] EPG set up for Virgin

31-08-16, 15:45

I have seen many guides on How to setup CrossEPG for sky uk, but I have no guide to setup for virgin uk. Is it the same?

Many Thanks


31-08-16, 17:33
http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?40457-Using-EPG-Refresh-plugin-to-download-the-epg-off-the-stream croosepg doesn't have an option for virgin

02-09-16, 10:59
Is the plugin better to use? I was told to set a zap timer to zap to the virgin media previews channel which updates the epg?:confused:

abu baniaz
02-09-16, 11:42
The plugin does the zapping for you. it has added benefit of doing background zap.

02-09-16, 12:26
Which plugin are we discussing hear?

02-09-16, 12:29
EPGrefresh I think. I've always just used a zap timer to save an extra plugin.

02-09-16, 13:02
It's EPGrefresh, I use it to do a "Dummy recording" of channel 100 overnight. It integrates into the EPG section and works well.

02-09-16, 14:26
It's EPGrefresh, I use it to do a "Dummy recording" of channel 100 overnight. It integrates into the EPG section and works well.

What's a dummy recording mate, and how long do you set it for (meaning the duration).


02-09-16, 15:32
He just means it zaps to the channel like setting a recording but doesnt record it I have mine set for 120 seconds but its up to you

The advantage of the epgrefresh plugin is if your having epg issues and need to delete epg data once done you can use epg refresh now rather than going throu epg to find the channel