View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] crash log after pressing green button to see scheduled timers

28-08-16, 20:01
had this the other day but been busy till now to upload the error log

after pressing green button to see scheduled timers it crashed to a black screen followed up with a restart working fine after

see attached log 49891

05-10-16, 19:52
Exactly the same for me tonight et10k, 4.2.006. First crash this year.

Box had booted from deep standby at about 18:25, had recorded 2 programmes, and was in the middle of a 3rd when it crashed.

It should have been recording in standby, but wasn't for some reason. (Seems to happen more often now than it used to.)

Pressing green is usually the first thing I do when accessing the box.

The only thing I've done recently (last night) was to try out iSkin, but went straight back to ViX-Night-HD.

abu baniaz
05-10-16, 20:39
That fatal signal issue comes up in a few logs

< 3222.472> [eInputDeviceInit] 0 18f 1
< 3222.473> [InfoBarGenerics] KEY: 399 GREEN
< 3222.502> [ActionMap] InfobarSubserviceSelectionActions GreenPressed
< 3222.552> [Skin] processing screen TimerEditList:
< 3222.622> [Skin] processing screen TimerEditListSummary:
< 3222.842> PC: 00501d94
< 3222.842> 00000000 00000001 00000249 00000001
< 3222.842> 011a3078 011a4d68 2f399968 76b89738
< 3222.842> 00000067 00000053 2038353a 202e2e2e
< 3222.842> 303a3232 36282036 696d2038 00660000
< 3222.842> 7fe6dd2c 011a4d68 7fe6dca0 00000004
< 3222.842> 00000000 0000008e 007507a4 71b01d90
< 3222.842> 00664b24 76a85000 00000000 00000000
< 3222.842> 76baae10 7fe6dc08 00000002 00561f50
< 3222.859> Backtrace:
< 3222.859> /usr/bin/enigma2(_Z17handleFatalSignaliP9siginfo_tPv) [0x45DDD4]
< 3222.860> /usr/bin/enigma2(n/a) [0x501D96]
< 3222.860> /usr/bin/enigma2(_Z14SwigFromPythonR4ePtrI7gPixmapEP7_objec t) [0x561F50]
< 3222.860> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN26eListboxPythonMultiContent5paintER8gP ainterR12eWindowStyleRK6ePointi) [0x504FC0]
< 3222.860> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN8eListbox5eventEiPvS0_) [0x501B48]
< 3222.861> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN7eWidget7doPaintER8gPainterRK7gRegioni) [0x50B918]
< 3222.861> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN7eWidget7doPaintER8gPainterRK7gRegioni) [0x50B8A4]
< 3222.861> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN7eWidget7doPaintER8gPainterRK7gRegioni) [0x50B8A4]
< 3222.861> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN14eWidgetDesktop10paintLayerEP7eWidgeti ) [0x50D3E8]
< 3222.861> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN14eWidgetDesktop5paintEv) [0x50D89C]
< 3222.862> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN6eTimer8activateEv) [0x4629C8]
< 3222.862> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eMainloop15processOneEventEjPP7_object 9ePyObject) [0x463344]
< 3222.862> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eMainloop7iterateEjPP7_object9ePyObjec t) [0x463484]
< 3222.862> -------FATAL SIGNAL (11)

14-01-17, 20:25
Happened again tonight, but this time I can repeat the crash.... Green for timers followed by info.

This is the 2nd crash after an enigma restart after the first one.

14-01-17, 20:50
Which skin? Ignore its in the log:)

15-01-17, 05:07
Hi Ccs,

The cause of the "< 6994.334> KeyError: 'longfulldate'" crash has been identified, verified, corrected and tested. Pull Request #105 has been created to correct the error.

My apologies for the error and the inconvenience.
