View Full Version : VU+Solo2 connect via Wifi

25-08-16, 21:19
Hi All,

I want to take my box on a trip to Thailand with a view to using IPTV over there. Is there a not too technical method of getting it to connect to wifi, as the Condo I'll be staying is all wireless.

Thanks in advance.

26-08-16, 07:54
Buy a compatible wifi adapter and hope for the best.

26-08-16, 10:15
Hi All,

I want to take my box on a trip to Thailand with a view to using IPTV over there. Is there a not too technical method of getting it to connect to wifi, as the Condo I'll be staying is all wireless.

Thanks in advance.

I have a vonents wifi ethernet bridge for mine in the bedroom - you simply insert it into the router until the orange light turns blue (then it has a ip address) then you insert it into the box

26-08-16, 19:27
Why not go a different direction? Kodi+build of your choice should give you access to whatever you want/need, it can run on a Pi, Laptop, tablet etc. and will have HDMI out and be smaller/you may already be carrying one anyway.

Many thanks Avalon, This does seem the logical way to go. It will require a tad more research, but once done, will be far more flexible. I take my Macbook Air with me anyway. O.K no HDMI out, but to be honest, watching on the Mac will be no great loss just for my Hols. Most of the Condo T.V's out there aren't up to much anyway.

28-08-16, 08:01
Kodi + Paradox or The Beast or Wookie (personally in that order) would be the way I'd go.

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Thanks again, I was just about to repost, as I've tried several combinations so far to no avail; I'll give your suggestion a go. I installed Kodi, and kept getting network errors when I tried to run add-ons, despite the fact I'd allowed Kodi through the Firewall. I've seen several people post on here about playing with the DNS servers, but I don't really want to do that unless I have to. Cheers.

28-08-16, 15:35
Been messing around with Beast, as the Paradox site appears to be down; the usual slightly annoying stuff with broken links etc, but otherwise a good solution, and some more knowledge gained. Going to have another bash at Paradox tomorrow.

29-08-16, 06:34
If you get stuck with Paradox give me a shout. A popular plugin for 'live TV' feeds is/was down from the looks of my news feed, but I'm away from home and have variable 3G coverage and seem to be burning data like it's going out of fashion.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks again for your patience and kindness to a newbie mate. So far I'm getting on pretty well with Beast, and I'm discovering little tricks as I go. Is there any form of EPG by the way, as that would be really useful? A lot of my mates in Thailand are going to be all over this, as they're paying £40-50 a month for some really dodgy Korean server based system to get UK channels. I have a VPN anyway, but would I be correct in assuming that would be need out there too? Perhaps the opposite may be true though, as they are a little more "relaxed" out there.:cool:

29-08-16, 15:15
I only pointed you in the direction I thought would work best, you're doing the leg work. Have a look at iVue and services like Dexter. I have a friend in AU who had similar issues.

Not sure what the Thai policy is on things, I've always taken the view when abroad that I'm better off using a VPN than taking any chances. If you look on Stack Social for example PureVPN and TigerVPN amongst others do lifetime subscriptions for bugger all.

OK mate will do, just about to have a bash at installing iVue. You're right about the VPN when I think about it; I travel all over S.E Asia, so it really isn't worth taking the risk for a couple of Quid. I have to say I'm quite enjoying the process; a couple of friends have handed over good money to get a very similar result, so it feels good to learn this stuff by myself and get it for free.

29-08-16, 21:29
Just a footnote; no luck with iVue, but my isp is Karoo, and I have no choice but to use them as they have a fixed line Monopoly in Hull(51% Council owned). I've been on my local forum and they soft block a lot of Kodi stuff apparently, like many others I know. People are reporting that Paradox is blocked. I looked at some of the VPN's you mentioned, and they are very reasonably priced, but along the way I discovered something called unblockr, and wondered if you could take a look at it when you have a moment; it seems to work by installing an add on to Kodi, and unblocking it once you subscribe at £20 a year. They claim the advantages are that you don't get throttled at all, and the add on updates your ip automatically. Cheers.