View Full Version : Where's the Craic ??

22-08-16, 20:50
Ok so which one of you miserable buggers stole all the fun around here ?

This place used to be full of like minded members (and staff) having a laugh and joke while helping others. now it seems the anti fun Nazi's have taken over moved all the fun users into a locked off corner.

So where's the Craic ??.

Mr. Mister
22-08-16, 20:59

Mr. Mister
22-08-16, 21:00
Your right there Larry.. But i think all the fun was before this hobby went main stream..

That for me was when the fun ended.. All the old school guys have disappeared..

The good old days.. Aw well.. They are now gone.. Onwards and upwards.. Lets see what the next phase brings..

22-08-16, 21:02
It's a real shame buddy. I used to have some proper fun with users and staff here, always getting told off from rob for taking yet another thread off topic and just plain talking shite, after all I didn't get over 33K posts for nothing (looks like I have lost a few hundred posts too lol). Now it's just dull, no one seems willing to post shite or there are just no fun users here any more ??.

Very sad indeed.

22-08-16, 21:05
Mr. Mister agrees so much that he had to make the point twice :p

22-08-16, 21:06
It's a real shame buddy. I used to have some proper fun with users and staff here, always getting told off from rob for taking yet another thread off topic and just plain talking shite, after all I didn't get over 33K posts for nothing (looks like I have lost a few hundred posts too lol). Now it's just dull, no one seems willing to post shite or there are just no fun users here any more ??.

Very sad indeed.

I know why. too many fecking pay server scum bags trolling the forums now adays, just thinking of making even more money from the great uneducated masses.


22-08-16, 21:07
Mr. Mister agrees so much that he had to make the point twice :p

I agree so much I should have replied twice, oh wait I did LOL.

22-08-16, 21:13
Come on guys, you're turning into those two grumpy so and so who sit in the balcony on The Muppet show.. Statler & Woldorf? :)

i don't know whether this is a wind-up thread or deadly serious.

Well if you look at my posts they are shite lol :rofl:

i think this is one of the best sites out there.... very helpful and ok stricter than other sites on what you can (or can't) say but some good knowledge on here and let's hope it remains the same.

22-08-16, 21:15
Come on you miserable buggers.

Dont just read the post and skulk away. post a reply. Im trying to get a thread going, one that needs no knowledge what so ever. You wont get banned and if you do I know where Andy lives I'll pay him a visit and give him a nipple cripple till he re-instates you. LOL.

22-08-16, 21:17
..... still on your boozy holiday by the sound of it.:)

22-08-16, 21:18
Come on guys, you're turning into those two grumpy so and so who sit in the balcony on The Muppet show.. Statler & Woldorf? :)

i don't know whether this is a wind-up thread or deadly serious.

Well if you look at my posts they are shite lol :rofl:

i think this is one of the best sites out there.... very helpful and ok stricter than other sites on what you can (or can't) say but some good knowledge on here and let's hope it remains the same.

I am deadly serious. I spent five years as a moderator / admin here clocking in well over 100 hours every single week on the forum having a laugh and talking shite to the users. (within the rules obviously).

Just seems to me that this place has gone way down hill (fun wise) or some one has shoved a bloody big stick up its arse

22-08-16, 21:21
..... still on your boozey holiday by the sound of it.:)

I ran out of booze last week and came back to work yesterday, this is my first 16 hr night shift back. Just bored out of my fecking gord and trying to get a good old thread going.

The audience here is rubbish, It's like I'm a black guy that's gate crashed a Donald Trump rally.

22-08-16, 21:36
Fcuk IT !!!!!.
I'm gona go watch some youtube for a while. At least I will get a laugh out of those nutters posting flat earth or nibiru / planet x videos.

22-08-16, 21:54
A pint of what you are on would slip down a treat right now !

I agree that many forums are teacher and pupil, an many love to flaunt their knowledge, but thats it. Such is life. Many other forums may present the same amount of know how.

Sympathise with them and suck up their knowledge.

Remember, unlike they do, they also once were dummies ?

22-08-16, 22:01
Loads of forums are different these days mate, Facebook gets the blame a lot of the time!

Guess it's hard with folks just wanting to know how to make a line work as that sort of thing can get you shut down pretty sharpish - one of the forums I've been on since 2001 you can't even talk about the thing that made it popular back in the day

22-08-16, 22:24
Loads of forums are different these days mate, Facebook gets the blame a lot of the time!

Guess it's hard with folks just wanting to know how to make a line work as that sort of thing can get you shut down pretty sharpish - one of the forums I've been on since 2001 you can't even talk about the thing that made it popular back in the day

We have never been able to talk about lines here so it's not that. Guess I'll just have to accept that the majority of users here are now miserable old buggers.

22-08-16, 22:26
A pint of what you are on would slip down a treat right now !

I agree that many forums are teacher and pupil, an many love to flaunt their knowledge, but thats it. Such is life. Many other forums may present the same amount of know how.

Sympathise with them and suck up their knowledge.

Remember, unlike they do, they also once were dummies ?

ha I wish I was drinking a pint rite about now, I'm just 6 hrs into my first of three 16 he night shifts. So tea, coffee and the occasional water only for me sadly.

22-08-16, 22:41
Lets see if this cheers up some of you miserable buggers.


P.S before the anti fun moderator gets his nickers all in a twist (you know who you are and I don't mean rob either LMAO) I have posted this exact video a total of five times here now over the years and never once has any one had a issue with it so if you remove it your a proper miserable bugger LOL.

22-08-16, 22:53
Heres another


22-08-16, 22:56
The black people song


22-08-16, 22:57
The Asian people song.


22-08-16, 22:57
The Mexican people song


22-08-16, 23:41
Jesus you're pissed off. Personally I find that forums end up filled with cynics (I include myself here) and trolls (who should be gassed) which sucks the fun out of it. And then theres the free speech brigade who think forums are for free speech. On a positive note its good that the forum is still going strong while others have dropped off or are full of total gobshites. Its difficult to get the brains/gobshite balance right.

23-08-16, 00:08
Jesus you're pissed off. Personally I find that forums end up filled with cynics (I include myself here) and trolls (who should be gassed) which sucks the fun out of it. And then theres the free speech brigade who think forums are for free speech. On a positive note its good that the forum is still going strong while others have dropped off or are full of total gobshites. Its difficult to get the brains/gobshite balance right.

how do you think I'm pissed off ?.

I know full well how this forum works, I moderated / administrated here for almost 5 years. Just look at my post tally and consider that I have made less than 100 posts this last year to see how active I was here. I'm just trying to get a bit of friendly banter going. Trying and failing miserably by the looks of it.

23-08-16, 00:22
Keep trying mate

23-08-16, 00:42
Keep trying mate

dont think I'll bother again to be honest.

23-08-16, 06:41
Ok so which one of you miserable buggers stole all the fun around here ?

This place used to be full of like minded members (and staff) having a laugh and joke while helping others. now it seems the anti fun Nazi's have taken over moved all the fun users into a locked off corner.

So where's the Craic ??.

Your right there Larry.. But i think all the fun was before this hobby went main stream..

That for me was when the fun ended.. All the old school guys have disappeared..

The good old days.. Aw well.. They are now gone.. Onwards and upwards.. Lets see what the next phase brings..

The doors always open for you guys to come back and inject fun again onto the board :) You both know how to reach me ;) Always open to new ideas and new sections for the forum.

Mr. Mister
23-08-16, 13:26
The doors always open for you guys to come back and inject fun again onto the board :) You both know how to reach me ;) Always open to new ideas and new sections for the forum.

Cheers boss.. I appreicate that.. I really do..

It was Larry i think who got me involved here on WoS.. and joined here either on day 1 or day 2.. I remember my very 1st day in green here really well.. I happened to rub Rob up the wrong way.. ( Nothing new for Rob.. lol ).. and while it was not an agrument.. He soon put me in my box.. lol.. We sorted it out over skype.. and turned out.. someone of the 2 of us had a humour by-pass that day.. lol.. But ever since that day.. Rob and i have got on brilliantly.. I even learned to laugh at his extremely dry sence of humour.. lol ..

Nothing ever stays the same.. Over time.. everything changes.. and i think because we were all the original team.. Myself.. Larry.. Bassett.. Andy.. 2 x Chris`s and a few others i cant remember now.. and we all had that bond together because we were all the first to join here.. The team we had 5 years ago.. We were all a click.. and we did have loads of fun every day.. It was a delight to come on here as we all knew we were gonna get a laugh to brighten up our days..

Rob is the only original team member left.. along with all of the newer team memebers.. ( Who all do a brilliant brilliant job on the image and keeping the forum running smoothly ).. The fun and craic element is at zero.. Its all just way too serious now.. For me we were just members of a team.. No comradery.. No mates.. Everything a team should NOT be.. But as far as the team running the forum goes.. They are the best of the best..

But like i said above.. Nothing stays the same .. Its just evolution and the way things go..

23-08-16, 13:43
Not being cynical, but i had more fun on ******************, in the cable box years, compared to the satellite scene, [ as we did it for the fun then ].... not... [ " we are all enthusiasts and hobbyists on the sat scene " ] Just my opinion m8...:sofahide:

23-08-16, 16:52
It's a real shame buddy. I used to have some proper fun with users and staff here, always getting told off from rob for taking yet another thread off topic and just plain talking shite, after all I didn't get over 33K posts for nothing (looks like I have lost a few hundred posts too lol). Now it's just dull, no one seems willing to post shite or there are just no fun users here any more ??.

Very sad indeed.

I think you are not far from the truth. I feel many people on here do not post for fear of "getting shot down" by the "know it alls" and seek their solutions on other forums.

Sorry.....but just my 2p.

23-08-16, 17:06
I think you are not far from the truth. I feel many people on here do not post for fear of "getting shot down" by the "know it alls"

well at least I can't get the blame for that any more. Many users on other forums used to use me as the forum punching bag, so glad I walked away from that.

23-08-16, 17:19
I think you are not far from the truth. I feel many people on here do not post for fear of "getting shot down" by the "know it alls" and seek their solutions on other forums.

Sorry.....but just my 2p.

Anything like that report to me and it will dealt with. Only reason anybody would get shot down is they are not posting within the rules or being rude to staff or other members etc...

23-08-16, 17:28
D-W? Oh yes :)

if it's the DW I'm thinking about, that place is run by a bunch of ducking knob heads.

23-08-16, 17:29
if it's the DW I'm thinking about, that place is run by a bunch of ducking knob heads.

On that note Larry, sorry but thread closed.