View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD] How to backup RCU setting and behaviour

16-08-16, 17:55
I have upgraded from scratch to OpenVix 4.2.1. Usually I like to change the following RCU behaviour:
- left / right -> next previous program
- green channel epg guide
To customize I use the button configuration in Enigma setting in the image, no third part plugin, but I'm considering a faster way making a backup of the configuration file.
If I restore the "keymap.xml" from share/enigma2 via ftp the old and new files are exactly the same size and also after reboot nothing change.
Please, do I have to use another method?
Thank you in advance

16-08-16, 18:19
the settings are all stored in the settings file in /etc/enigma2 which is handled by the backup and restore of the settings. This is not valid if you still use MQB.
