View Full Version : Startup fails with recording timer error

11-08-16, 11:09

I added an autotimer for the olympics, and got a whole bunch of hits (roughly 200). On the next boot, the startup started failing with this error log:

OpenViX Enigma2 Crashlog

Crashdate = to elo*** 11 10:41:23 2016

Creator = OpenViX
Version = 4.1
Build = 004
Type = release
Machine = vuduo2
URL = http://www.world-of-satellite.com
Compiled = Apr 23 2016
Skin = Default Skin
Component = Enigma2

### The 4 tuners are listed here, plus roughly 100 of RecordTimer lines like the one below

<226460.886> [RecordTimer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Rion olympialaiset: Telinevoimistelu, begin=Sun Aug 14 20:22:00 2016, serviceref=1:0:19:16:1301:20F6:EEEE0000:0:0:0:, justplay=0, isAutoTimer=1)
<226460.973> [RecordTimer] Record RecordTimerEntry(name=Rion olympialaiset: Ratsastus, begin=Sun Aug 14 21:37:00 2016, serviceref=1:0:19:19:1301:20F6:EEEE0000:0:0:0:, justplay=0, isAutoTimer=1)
<226460.974> [RecordTimer] activating state 3
<226460.975> [RecordTimer] stop recording
<226460.975> ------------------------------------------------------------
<226460.975> Traceback (most recent call last):
<226460.976> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 667, in <module>
<226460.977> runScreenTest()
<226460.977> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 476, in runScreenTest
<226460.978> nav = Navigation(config.misc.isNextRecordTimerAfterEvent ActionAuto.value, config.misc.isNextPowerTimerAfterEventActionAuto.v alue)
<226460.978> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Navigation.py", line 39, in __init__
<226460.979> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.py", line 771, in __init__
<226460.979> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.py", line 851, in loadTimer
<226460.979> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.py", line 975, in record
<226460.980> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/timer.py", line 200, in addTimerEntry
<226460.980> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/timer.py", line 239, in calcNextActivation
<226460.981> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/timer.py", line 309, in processActivation
<226460.981> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.py", line 784, in doActivate
<226460.981> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.py", line 479, in activate
<226460.982> AttributeError: Navigation instance has no attribute 'RecordTimer'
<226460.982> ------------------------------------------------------------
<226460.987> [MAIN] (exit code 5)

Any suggestions on how to get past this? The error message is shown, and the device keeps rebooting forever.
