View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Turbo cable tuner not working properly....weak signal from vm?

10-08-16, 17:27
I recently bought a cable splitter and a turbo tuner so I could enjoy HD again on my solo2.

Couldn't get it working properly was very hit and miss and I'm wondering if my signal from VM isn't strong enough. Currently have VM from wall - splitter - VM modem/vu+ turbo tuner.

How can I test if it is the signal and if so what can I buy to boost?

Could I ring VM and ask them to do it and whats a good excuse? Lol.


10-08-16, 17:31
You would need some sort of Attenuator. If the signal is too high or too low it can bugger you up, but an Attenuator does help so I've heard/read.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-08-16, 21:35
Try it without the splitter, straight into the cable tuner and see what the signal is like on the FTA channels. That would help you identify if it's too low or too high.

10-08-16, 23:15
also what are the chances you are using wrong splitter?

11-08-16, 08:08
Do as lincsat says, bypass the splitter and check signal levels, an attenuator is only any good if your signal is too strong, if splitting your signal weakens it and you are using the correct type of splitter you would need an amplified splitter.

12-08-16, 13:42
on the fta channels signal is (snr) 87-89%?????

12-08-16, 13:44

That's the splitter im using

12-08-16, 18:00
Chinese junk mate. Had it myself. Wrong mhz too. Go order a Tratec 1000mhz one for amount of splits you need max

12-08-16, 19:22
yep amazing how we all get the wrong splitter at first,were those readings without the splitter or with the splitter as just to make sure.cheers.

forgot to add i get 52% on xtrend 10000 and no issues but with internal tuner,different boxes may give different readings some give 29% and wont name that inferior box.:attention:

12-08-16, 20:16
New xtrends cacti show true reading think - I'm 92/3 now

12-08-16, 21:51
Cheers will get a new splitter then. Even messaged the seller blaming splitter he was the one who mentioned weak signal. Shall be returning it now!

12-08-16, 22:08
This do?


12-08-16, 22:20
Perfect. Fingers crossed for you!

14-08-16, 18:14
Hi Guys,

I am having a problem on a VU uno, Tried on latest firmware and 3.2.037, no joy with either, cannot see the turbo tuner when in service searching, I have read this is a issue with new firmware and drivers,

Will VIX be able to resolve this issue for the older boxes?

14-08-16, 18:30
if on latest image have you gone into plugins feed and download your driver,when done reboot box then tuner should be seen.