View Full Version : Puzzled EPG information

09-08-16, 14:12

Not sure if this picture (above) of my screen will appear so a description of my VUDUO Boquet information is that a number of the listings against the channels seem to contain the same information.
9001 BBC HD Crazy He
9008 ITV2 HD Crazy Hearts
9040 Sky Atlantic+1 Crazy Heart

Can anyone advise what is happening here and how to correct it please.
I am running 4.1.016 (release)

09-08-16, 14:34
Are you using crossepg? If so in crossepg try defragment database then download now if that doesn't work try to delete the epg.dat file youll need to ftp where the epg is saved then delete it.

09-08-16, 15:39
Hi Again

Tried defrag and download which did not solve problem.
I deleted the epg.dat file which was located etc/enigma2/epg.dat
I then noticed that in the EPG settings the location was set at INTERNAL FLASH so I changed this to /media/usb (not sure what the correct settings should be but as I have a 8GB usb plugged in with picons on I thought I would try this.)
I then 'download now' from CrossEPG menu and it seems to have solved the problem.

09-08-16, 20:30
after you made changes you restarted box i presume;) yes media usb if you have stick and hdd.

abu baniaz
10-08-16, 04:52
EPG data is loaded into RAM at startup. It is written back at proper shut down/restart. If you delete it by FTP, what is in RAM is written back.

Option 1.

Use the delete option in load/save/delete menu within the EPG menu.

Option 2.

Only try if above does not work or your mount points are temperamental.

Stop Enigma 2 with "init 4" command. Wait 10 seconds to allow E2 to close. Delete all instances of EPG.dat you have. Restart Enigma 2.

Ignore. Missed the bit about it being solved.

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