View Full Version : Can you see the remaining time on a recorded program?

05-01-11, 23:35
When I am playing back a recorded program on my VU+Duo, I would like to be able to see the amount of time remaining, onscreen, of the program I am watching. This would be useful because sometimes I know I have to be somewhere else and would like to know if I will be able to watch the end before I leave.
I know about the red line in cool epg showing how much is left of a program, but I don't know if it is currently possible with the VIX 1.3 image to see the remaining length of recorded program I'm watching, without stopping the actual playback?
If this is not currently possible, maybe it would be a useful feature to add to a future upgrade?

Thanks for your help.

05-01-11, 23:46
Press OK whilst watching the recording. The bottom right figure is the time remaining.

05-01-11, 23:46
Thats a good suggestion lol but i dont think its there i know sly has a remaining time if you press ok buttion come up in number format rather than in the slider way lets see what andy has to say if it can be added or not

05-01-11, 23:54
Thats a good suggestion lol but i dont think its there i know sly has a remaining time if you press ok buttion come up in number format rather than in the slider way lets see what andy has to say if it can be added or not

As Tkr001 says, if you press the ok button, it gives you a progress bar, where the amount seen in the progress bar is blue, on left below progress bar, it shows a time of how much has been watched already, on right below progress bar how much time is left, and on right above progress bar, the total duration of the recording... So, nothing really left to do for it that I can see ;)

06-01-11, 00:08
As Tkr001 says, if you press the ok button, it gives you a progress bar, where the amount seen in the progress bar is blue, on left below progress bar, it shows a time of how much has been watched already, on right below progress bar how much time is left, and on right above progress bar, the total duration of the recording... So, nothing really left to do for it that I can see ;)

damn goes to show my attension span never noticed that b4

06-01-11, 02:42
For me if I just press the OK button during playback, I only get the little forward symbol in the top left of the screen.
However if I press ok then right cursor, then I get the time bar as stated above.
Not to be picky or anything, but this also has the effect of overlaying the file and playlist menu, in effect greying out the picture.

In an effort to be helpful, a future update, or a mod to give the choice of type of display, might it be possible to show the time bar only, at the bottom of the picture like the info bar?
Then the watched content could be watched uninterrupted?
In my opinion, a much nicer looking use of the function?

06-01-11, 05:12
Are you running the default skin? I am and it works fine for me exactly as per Pooface's post, not like you describe at all.

06-01-11, 10:07
I checked this out too this morning. Pressing OK button brings up infobar showing progress bar and remaining time.

06-01-11, 11:42
I checked this out too this morning. Pressing OK button brings up infobar showing progress bar and remaining time.

You using the default skin? So was I, and I guess Tkr001 was also. So, Diablo13, can you confirm if you were using the default skin, or another skin???

06-01-11, 12:03
Yep using Andy's defualt Vu_HD_plus skin.

07-01-11, 03:29
You using the default skin? So was I, and I guess Tkr001 was also. So, Diablo13, can you confirm if you were using the default skin, or another skin???

I already asked him that in an earlier post and confirmed I was. So far silence from Diablo13.......

07-01-11, 09:38
I already asked him that in an earlier post and confirmed I was. So far silence from Diablo13.......

I know, was just a little reminder for him to let us know ;)

07-01-11, 16:27
Sorry for the late reply guys, been a bit busy.

Yes I am using the default skin and I have not intentionally changed any button functions.
I found out later that I just press the right cursor during playback, but as I said before, although I get the program run time bar, I also get the full media file list and play list boxes overlaid?:confused:

I have no idea why mine is different to everyone elses, but I wish it wasn't!
As a newbie to the box I don't change button settings, because then I wouldn't be able to get advice from the rest of you.

I presume you all go Menu > media player> hdd> saved file > OK button to playback?

I don't know what other info I could give you?
Thanks for all your replies and help so far. :thumbsup:

07-01-11, 16:43
Sorry for the late reply guys, been a bit busy.

Yes I am using the default skin and I have not intentionally changed any button functions.
I found out later that I just press the right cursor during playback, but as I said before, although I get the program run time bar, I also get the full media file list and play list boxes overlaid?:confused:

I have no idea why mine is different to everyone elses, but I wish it wasn't!
As a newbie to the box I don't change button settings, because then I wouldn't be able to get advice from the rest of you.

I presume you all go Menu > media player> hdd> saved file > OK button to playback?

I don't know what other info I could give you?
Thanks for all your replies and help so far. :thumbsup:

That could be the problem mate... Myself (and Sic at least I think, possible even Tkr001), I press the recordings button on the remote control. It's the button between menu and audio. You can then navigate through the /media/hdd/movie directories. If they in a different directory, press the recordings button again, and then the channel +, and you will be able to browse to a different directory on your box...

07-01-11, 17:06
What an excellent chap you are pooface!

That works perfectly.
To be honest I had hardly noticed that little button, and if I had I didn't realize what it did!:o
I do tend to watch telly in the semi dark for full effect and if the duo has a minor fault, I think it is that the remote's bottom buttons are a little small and cramped?
Until I am fully used to all the buttton positions and functions, I might have to throw a little more light on the job at hand, instead of relying on my spider sense! ;)

That little problem is sorted for me now thanks to your help and it just goes to prove how invaluable a friendly site like this is when you get problems. :thumbsup:

07-01-11, 17:12
What an excellent chap you are pooface!

That works perfectly.
To be honest I had hardly noticed that little button, and if I had I didn't realize what it did!:o
I do tend to watch telly in the semi dark for full effect and if the duo has a minor fault, I think it is that the remote's bottom buttons are a little small and cramped?
Until I am fully used to all the buttton positions and functions, I might have to throw a little more light on the job at hand, instead of relying on my spider sense! ;)

That little problem is sorted for me now thanks to your help and it just goes to prove how invaluable a friendly site like this is when you get problems. :thumbsup:

Glad you're sorted...

I think that because we were all used to using that button, we just didn't think about you not using it :p I never use the media player personally... Everything I throw at the box works through the recordings menu, and it's much neater in my opinion :)

Thanks for the kind words of the site. The staff and members all endeavour to help how we can ;)