View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] crash when entering trashcan (verwijderde bestanden)

06-08-16, 13:44
when accessing this directory I have a crash and box is rebooting.However i can delete files from this drectory by using red button.49395

06-08-16, 14:05
Do you have the custom epg mod installed, its a well documented conflict. updater the plugin and all should be fine

06-08-16, 14:08
when looking for updates I get 2 updates but no infofile.Will do the updates anyhow and call back

abu baniaz
06-08-16, 14:15
You've uploaded a crash log. Please also upload a debug log.

06-08-16, 14:18
49396did update but no solution.attached teh other log.hope it is the right one.

abu baniaz
06-08-16, 15:42
I have a strong suspicion you have inadvertently installed the EPG mod. You have a searchnumber entry in your debug log. The Update notification despite being on latest image is also another indication. I may be mistaken.

You can try following:
Make a settings backup.
Flash latest image
Restore settings
Restore plugins.

06-08-16, 15:46
ok will do that.Thx
PS : is there a way to remove the mod ? Is this the app epg importer ?

06-08-16, 15:58
just tried the update off epg mod with IPK file.Problem still there.

06-08-16, 16:08
49396did update but no solution.attached teh other log.hope it is the right one.That debug log isn't of much use, as it isn't of a crash.
The original crash log showed the actual problem, which is related to the custom EPG mod listed in #2 (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?52734-crash-when-entering-trashcan-(verwijderde-bestanden)&p=411853&viewfull=1#post411853), which you have presumably installed.

abu baniaz
06-08-16, 16:09
In the other thread, you mentioned you had only installed two plugins, your logs show you uninstalling other plugins. Might be an idea to flash image and just restore settings.

06-08-16, 16:09
just tried the update off epg mod with IPK file.Problem still there.Can you post the link to the ipk file you used?

06-08-16, 16:28

Just reflashed online by downloading image with only settingsrestore.Still the same problem.Only thing I see is that after flash I still see channelnumbers in my EPG.Think that is from custom epg mod so this app was installed without my knowledge (permission).Would mean that is is incorporated in settingsbackup.

Will try a restore off 09 Bu image.Think there epg mod was not present.

edit : just reflashed with verson 09 and all is fine.Even channelnumbers in epg.

06-08-16, 17:54
the custom epg can only be installed by the owner of the box, as it is a ipk file you have to load manually, so you must have installed it, if you go to plugins - remove it will be shown there and you can uninstall, then restart the box, and try the trashcan again.

06-08-16, 18:02
restored to 09 and all is working fine again.Will wait until update of image because olympics are busy and many belgiums to watch :)
Ps : maybe installed custom epg in the past and only application i see in my apps is epg importer.Nowhere custom epg to find.

14-08-16, 13:21
updated today to 4.2 and working fine.Instaaled customepg for channelnumbers in EPG and box crashing again.Will go back to old version until this is solved.