View Full Version : Hello To All & Guidance Required....

02-08-16, 13:31
Hi All,

I'd hi-jacked another thread asking a couple of questions however I really should have just started my own thread. Apologies if some have read some of the info on the other one....

Looking to get my own setup together with the aim being family friendly. By that I mean I would like to get the setup as close to how Sky looks as humanly possible (EPG etc). I'll explain what I've got here and what I don't have in order that it might shed some light on what is best for me.

I have a wired home network with NAS and don't like to rely on wifi if possible. I don't have a dish therefore I would be starting from scratch in that sense. I do have a drum of high quality coaxial cable, admittedly I'm clueless if this is what's used!

Now onto the part that's got me chasing my tail. The receivers! For what is my first venture into this, I don't want to spend a lot of money. Ideally £100 max on the receiver itself would be ideal. Having read various threads I've got a few in mind however I admit that I don't really know which would be best for me. So far the one's jumping out:

Technomate TM-Nano-SE PLUS
VU+ Zero
Edision OS MINI
GiGaBlue HD X1
Miraclebox Premium Micro HD

The TM-Nano & Edison Mini appeal to me though I admit it's not because I can see anything that suggests they'll be better. The Miraclebox looks great however a quick look on the forum for it on here and it's thread after thread with issues. I can see this box has been recommended on here however that would generally put me (possibly others as well) off. I agree it could be the box is hugely popular meaning more people have it or even that the only people posting are those with issues therefore you don't get to hear of the positives. Anyway I've gone off on a tangent somewhat.

Is OpenVix the closest EPG to Sky or rather the best available? Being pretty new this was the first I'd heard of it.

I've currently got several AFTV boxes with paid IPTV subs, which is fantastic however it's not exactly child friendly. This is generally why I want to have a look at this option. If I can record my kids stuff to my NAS then fantastic however it's not the main objective.

Thanks in advance all :thumbsup:

03-08-16, 09:00
Not sure if it's because I've asked too many questions or if people are cautious with me being a new poster. Here's a thread that been going on my local football teams forum http://www.hmfckickback.co.uk/index.php?/topic/155841-kodi-again/

Which ultimately lead me to looking into this again. You'll see my conversation on first page and also on the last page talking about a possible setup. Hopefully I can get the information I need to enable me to go forward.

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03-08-16, 09:02
Havent read that page. But if you are after a good satellite box that will help you move away from the Sly box, then the ET8500 is a great box (although I am experiencng minor issues).

One thing I have to add is that there is a steep learning curve with one of these boxes - but worth it.

03-08-16, 10:21
Firstly you'll need a dish and an active sky subscription to receive sky channels otherwise you'll only receive freesat channels

04-08-16, 08:41
Hi All & thanks for the info.

Yep I appreciate this forum isn't about gaining access to paid stuff for free nor was I asking those questions. It was mainly about the receiver itself plus asking about a setup similar to Sky (EPG).

I've got the setup with the NAS for the kids so no issues there.

Will have a look into what's been posted. Thanks again.

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