View Full Version : Cable.xml file

26-07-16, 09:48

I have a vu+duo 2 box, I have been told to install cable.xml file in order to scan for cable, I have got this file but which file do I put it in on my box, I am a newbie at this so your help would be very much appreciated

26-07-16, 12:11
I can't see anything in the crystal ball. The info I'm getting is very vague. Could you be more specific? What image you are on, do you use ViX's ABM etc etc? How are we supposed to know if you don't provide the info yeah?

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26-07-16, 23:00
hi sorry not got back to you earlier was at work, I have got further with my scan,i scanned on a manual scan and it found 500+ channels but when I went into the boquets there was nothing there I am on virgin media and my network ID is 40967, does anyone know what the frequency and symbol rate is for this, I have had a few symbol rates of the forums but they are 5 digit numbers and mine only has 4, any help to configure my settings would be very much appreciated, thanks

26-07-16, 23:09
Try ViX ABM. Menu, Setup, Service Searching, AutoBouquetsMaker, Providers is where select Virgin Media Cable etc, enter your Net ID, select your preferences for Bouquets etc, then save and the start scan.

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27-07-16, 11:48
hi, I have put my network id into the AutoBouquets maker and scanned but still no joy,i can get the freeview channels but no virgin channels, do I do an automatic scan or a cable scan, if I try to do a cable scan it asks me to configure first, it wants my network ID which I got off the virgin box and it also asks for the frequency and symbol rates, I am a newbie at this, thanks

27-07-16, 11:57
do I have to unplug my satellite leads first before I scan for cable?

27-07-16, 11:58
If you have the correct Net ID, ABM will pull them in so must be an issue with the ID.

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27-07-16, 20:10
thanks for all your help it was an inactive line