View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] 28.2 Custom mode on HD lineup. Toggle feature request

abu baniaz
24-07-16, 21:07
Some people use the Custom mix feature and implant channels into the 28.2 HD positions. However, using the HD numbering/option means that people lose out on the features that Custom mode brings. Such as the Olympics bouquet

This can be done by simply editing the line

custom = True if "custom" in bouquet_key else False

to read

custom = True

However this will be undone on updates. It is indeed possible to make a copy of the provider file and rename it and the provider name.

Is it possible to just have a custom feature toggle in the provider's menu and strip the custom regions from the provider file? This should be possible as only the providers using the Sky protocol would be affected.

Thanks in advance for considering.

24-07-16, 22:28
The custom code in the "Sky UK" provider file is for SD, not HD. It was written around the SD channel list, based on the fact that most HD channels from that provider are no longer viewable on Enigma2 based receivers.

To do what you are asking you are going to be using a CustomMix file anyway. Just put the custom code you want to run in that file (no need to hack the plugin for this one specific case). You can run absolutely any code you want in that file. You've got complete access to absolutely everything from there. Much more flexibility than you could ever have using code in servicehacks. Service hacks was never meant for this in the first place so in there code needed to be over complicated. To do similar from CustomMix requires much more basic code.

If you need help coding in CustomMix just ask.

abu baniaz
24-07-16, 23:11
I would like to use the custom features while using a HD lineup. This means skip as well as other features. I can make this happen by editing the line and making custom = true on all occasions.

I have tried the following, but it does not work. The unavailable HD channels are still added to bouquets. I have omitted the inserts/deletes for sake of simplicity.


# Add channels by name
if service["service_name"] in channels_to_add and service["service_type"] in DvbScanner.VIDEO_ALLOWED_TYPES and channels_to_add[service["service_name"]] not in LCNs_in_use:
service["number"] = channels_to_add[service["service_name"]]
service["numbers"] = [channels_to_add[service["service_name"]]]

# Add channels by ID
if service["channel_id"] in channels_to_add_by_id and service["service_type"] in DvbScanner.VIDEO_ALLOWED_TYPES and channels_to_add_by_id[service["channel_id"]] not in LCNs_in_use:
service["number"] = channels_to_add_by_id[service["channel_id"]]
service["numbers"] = [channels_to_add_by_id[service["channel_id"]]]

if "channel_id" in service and service["channel_id"] > 1080 and service["channel_id"] < 1090: # Olympics... correct FreeCAmode
service["free_ca"] = 0
elif service["service_type"] != 2 and (service["number"] in whitelist or service["service_name"] in whitelist or ("channel_id" in service and service["channel_id"] in whitelist_by_id)):

if service["service_type"] != 2 and (service["number"] in blacklist or service["service_name"] in blacklist):
skip = True
elif service["service_type"] >= 17 and service["service_type"] <= 25 and service["free_ca"] != 0:
skip = True

25-07-16, 00:01
Service hacks has a completely different set of variable than CustomMix so you can't just copy and paste code. Please say exactly what you want to achieve. Be specific.

Also half that code in service hacks is always run. Most of it is nothing to do with Custom area.

abu baniaz
25-07-16, 00:07
I already have said it. Sorry if it does not make sense or is unclear. Don't worry, I'll stick to forcing custom = true.

Thanks for taking the time to look.

25-07-16, 00:22
Why don't you do it the way I am saying. Editing the providers file means it will get overwritten on every update or that you will have to use a static providers file.

The whole point of CustomMix is you can do absolutely anything you like with it. You can create any bouquets you want. You could even get it to ignore number/name changes to the VM channels you are importing, saving the continual updating of the .xml file.

abu baniaz
25-07-16, 00:29
Well, I tried and failed. I already mentioned that altering the provider file is futile as it will be undone on updates. Hence my request to have a toggle for hacks for the providers using the sky protocol. It has been rejected and another method has been suggested.

The custom hacks are already in the provider file. What is the point in duplicating the existing code? For custom to be enacted, the key must contain "custom". It does not matter if it is an HD region or SD region.

25-07-16, 01:23
Not duplicating anything. The Custom area was designed to be run on the SD list. You would never be requesting this but that you are using a CustomMix file and importing another provider. This has nothing to do with Sky protocol. You can do exactly what you are trying to do inside the CustomMix file (which you have to use anyway to import the other provider).

abu baniaz
25-07-16, 01:56
It is not merely importing channels from another provider, but allowing for channels that are not "official" on the provider. It is possible to run with a HD region and custom "features". I'll work around the issue. Thank you for you kind comments and assistance. The matter can be closed.

25-07-16, 02:22
All custom area does is skip some HD channels and import a few channels by channel ID. All easy to do in CustomMix and with simpler code. Also because you are using a CustomMix file this could be done cleaner by just importing them directly from RoI without needing the non-indexed list.

BTW, why would anyone not using a CustomMix file require the mod you are requesting? Any typical Sky UK user would not want it and it just complicates the GUI.