View Full Version : duo 2 fan control 2

18-07-16, 17:50
what do u guys have ur fan set to in fan control 2

18-07-16, 17:52
working 1500 tours and stdby 0 tours.Temperature is 39 degrees in working condition ans 28 in stdb.

Rob van der Does
18-07-16, 18:24
See screenies:

48952 48951 48950

Working as a charm like this for years, on UNO/Ultimo/Solo2/DUO2.

18-07-16, 18:31
thank u very could wright the settings down please my eyes arnt the same as there used to be

Rob van der Does
18-07-16, 18:39
Did you click on the screenies to enlarge them?

18-07-16, 18:46
what do u have ur mim speed rpm set and ur max speed rpm set to

Rob van der Does
18-07-16, 20:16
Max speed = max; min speed = zero. No use to limit those values.

18-07-16, 20:26
whats the average temp u been getting

Rob van der Does
19-07-16, 04:27
Always between the set values (static temp = 45, endtemp = 50).