View Full Version : Vu+ Duo - Play Recordings via the Web Interface

04-01-11, 23:09
Hi folks,

I am just wondering if it is possible to play the recordings on my receiver via the Web Interface on my pc? I don't seem to be able to even see any of the recordings via the web interface on my pc.

I am able to watch live streams fine but when I select the Movies tab and the path for my recordings it shows "No movies found".

Any ideas if this is possible?


05-01-11, 07:57
Just tried it mate and it works fine here. If you get to the movie list you will see a streaming icon on the right hand side of each movie and just click on that. (sorry don't know how to attach screen shots.)

05-01-11, 08:43
Cheers Rob,

That is strange, mine just doesn't list any of my recordings.

I have created several folders for my recordings:


Each folder has recordings in them but when the path is selected in the web interface it just shows "No movies to display".

Are you selecting/doing anything else Rob?


05-01-11, 12:49
no mate I haven't made any changes here. By default recordings go in /hdd/movie so I presume this is where the web interface looks at. Can you try sticking one in there and see if it's picked up by the web interface?

05-01-11, 13:28
Good point rob, even though it is allowing me to select my desired path it may not actually be switching to that directory! That would be a whole different problem..

I will try that out this evening and let you know. Thanks for the help rob!

14-01-11, 19:22
Still No joy with this one. I have placed a recording in the /hdd/movie folder and my box still can't see the recordings..

Any other suggestions?

14-01-11, 19:27
type in the ip address of your box and you should than get a screen like this, you need to click on movies and it will take you to your movies location.

When you are in the movies tab, you can click on the drop down on the LHS of the screen and it will give you a list of all your storage devices

For me it some times says no movies found but a refresh does the job.

14-01-11, 19:34
I can get to the same screen and select the location/locations of my recordings but nothing is being listed like the recording lists that you have shown.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong...

16-01-11, 17:38
I finally got this to work, strange issue to be honest!

Even though I had recordings in the /hdd/movie/ folder my web interface still could now see them! The problem seems to be that I had multiple bookmarks for my recording locations. I wanted this because I wanted to separate my recording types, movies, sport, tv shows etc.

What I had to do was to delete all my private bookmarks and just have the one hdd/movie. I then had to set the default location on the recorded files menu to be this bookmark! When I did this I am now able to see the contents of the folder hdd/movie in the web interface!

In the web interface it seems the recordings location list does not actually work! If I have multiple bookmarks then the web interface gets confused and I can't view any recordings!

A fix for the web interface perhaps!