View Full Version : Is one of my tuners faulty?

15-07-16, 18:46
I'm a bit confused and I'm hoping someone can shed a bit of light on a problem I'm having. Everything was working 100% until out of the blue I started to have tuner problems. I would record something and I'd be limited to that transponder only even though there was a free tuner. I disabled one tuner at a time and they both worked independently fine. I then flashed the latest openvix and everything seemed fine at first but problem very soon came back. I haven't ran any updates nor do I use any strange addons. I've played with the settings related to what tuner is preferred etc. too. I'm running out of ideas and seen as I've started again with a brand new image I'm beginning to think it may be a hardware issue.

Any ideas?

PS signature needs updated, I've dual lnb sky UK sat now

15-07-16, 18:49
try disabling your internet connection, this will rule out anyone streaming from your box over the internet.

16-07-16, 17:24
I think you may have hit the nail on the head! I had my router configured to forward ports from when I was on holiday, I wasn't too concerned about security at the time. I'd forgotten all about it. Thanks for the help, much appreciated!

21-07-16, 16:41
I have a similar problem with my vu+solo, only I want to stream to a zero upstairs . Everything was fine up until a few days ago. Now if i want to watch a channel on the zero upstairs i have to have it on the same channel on the solo!:confused::confused::confused:
I have updated to latest image and started anew, like toner both tuners seem to work perfectly. Any ideas.

21-07-16, 18:07
I disabled port forwarding on my router to block whoever was stealing my feed. I wonder if that's how some of these IPTV services operate, stealing feeds from people.

21-07-16, 18:40
for iptv you don't need to set portforwarding.I do not forward any port on my router and can reach any site or share everything thats needed.

21-07-16, 19:02
for iptv you don't need to set portforwarding.I do not forward any port on my router and can reach any site or share everything thats needed.

I think they meant that the people who supply the IPTV streams get the content from hijacking open satellite receivers, I have often wondered how these people get hold of the stream in the first place, and with the native lack of security built in to enigma machines, its a feasible idea? Only with work by the operator of the satellite receiver can it be made safe from outside hacking.

21-07-16, 19:09
lesson one: you do not ever need to set portforwarding unless you want to watch from other site than your home.Then just build a protected VPN and nobody can crack.Iptv providers do not steel links or access.It is corrupt people who do that. Your machine does not need protection.Your network (router) does , by not opening ports unless you forward to a firewall.
Some private people who supply these links are also corrupt but mostly we are talking about identical to cardsharing.

21-07-16, 20:29
Its a signal problem. Still to nail down exactly where i'm losing the signal.