View Full Version : Radio/TV Mode

04-01-11, 22:40
Hi, first of all, a big thanks to the VIX team for a great image. Vix1.2.

My Duo is stuck in radio mode, i had my TV button configured to my recording list, so how can i get back to TV mode.

I can`t seem to find the menu to re configure the TV button.
I am using the web control to change channels.


04-01-11, 22:42
first of all why not try and flash with the all new VIX 1.3 then do a full sotware update then if you have any problems we can help you as many errors have been fixed in 1.3

04-01-11, 22:45
Hi, thanks for the quick reply,

I have tried 1.3 but went back to 1.2, just perfect for me.

Can you point me to the button config menu.


04-01-11, 23:00
you shouldnt be stuck in radio mode bottom of the remote is a tv button press that to go to tv channels

04-01-11, 23:10
Hi again,

I just finished an image restore, problem sorted, now to re configure the TV button.
