View Full Version : Help needed NAS Vu+Duo2

11-07-16, 18:02
Hi all, apologies in advance if this is not where I am supposed to post this; I am new to this.
Please point me in right direction if this is wrong

Help much needed! I purchased my VU+ Duo2 box from WOS directly just over a week ago now; I am liking the extensive features that are customisable and enjoying playing around with it...HOWEVER...I need some help around accessing my NAS drive on my Vu+ box

Since around 11am this morning I have been trying to set this up.

I have a 3TB WD NAS Drive which is online all the time and has a local ip on my internet of

I have been reading absolutely hundreds of threads all over the internet today but I am still not having any luck.

I have tried going into Menu>Setup>Network>Mount Manager and adding my drive with all the relevant settings and IP address but my box displays an error which reads 'no such directory exists'

I have also tried installing Samba through Samba setup, my box shows a message telling me do I want to install, I say yes, the box restarts, but Samba is not there, so I go to Samba set-up again and it asks me to install again - so I did this another 2 times but its the same result each time.

I then tried a different way, I downloaded Samba IPK and FTP'd to my /tmp folder using filezilla, I then tried to install via Menu>Setup>Vix>ipkg-install, and I got this message:

"execution progress:

Collected errors:
*Satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following
dependencies for samba:
* libc6 (>= 2.10) * libpopt0 (>= 1.14) *
libreadline5 (>= 5.2) * ncures (>= 5.4) *
*opkg_install: cannot install package samba.
Installing samba (3.0.37-r0) on root.
Execution finished!!"

...So that didn't work either, I then thought I may be able to install from looking at downloadable plugins straight from the box, but now when I go into the plugins menu, I press Green to download plugins, and my box crashes and comes up with "we're really sorry" and restarts.

For the last 9 hours, no matter what I try, I cannot get access to my NAS drive on my Duo2, but I know the drive is working because I can access it from my phone and my Macbook.

So long story short I need to know now how I can stop my box from crashing when I want to go into downloadable plugins, and how I can access my movies from my NAS drive from my VU+ box.

Any help will be much appreciated and willing to make a donation to whoever is able to resolve!!

I have uploaded my latest 3 crash logs to this post if that helps...wait, scratch that, I have been searching for the past half hour where I can find the logs but I can't locate them, I have read they are normally in media/hdd or etc/enigma2 but I have just looked through every directory using filezilla and cannot seem to find any anywhere!!

I am losing my mind!

Many thanks in advance!!!

11-07-16, 18:21
Have you tried mounting your NAS via Network Browser instead of mount manager?
Can you FTP into your box and post your automounts.xml?
Mounting a nas via cifs can be frustrating, if your NAS supports NFS and you can move your movies into an NFS share that would be easier I think.

11-07-16, 19:16
hi there thank you for your reply; yes I have tried using network browser which gives the option to expand or collapse group but there are no files there, I left it for over an hour and nothing loaded, I have also made sure the credentials are all correct but still nothing.

I am not able to upload my automounts.xml because i cannot see any option to attach any files other than picture or video??

many thanks in advance

my automountsXML looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>