View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] CI+ functionality für Solo2?

08-07-16, 06:37
Good Morning,

is there for the future any hope, that the the "CI+ functionality" for VU+ Solo2 will be integrated into the OpenVix-Image (as in Openatv-Image, where it works good).

Receiving Sky Germany with Enigma-Boxes is for many users (unfortunately for me too) since some time only possible, with using the original Sky CI+ Modul ...


Rob van der Does
08-07-16, 06:51
There is always hope :D
But for the near future it doesn't look like it will be implemented; this has to do with legal aspects and the way manufacturers implemented support for CI+ in drivers.

08-07-16, 13:00
Not that I would be interested in doing it , but could a user compile their own vix image with the changes needed, or is it not that simple?

Rob van der Does
08-07-16, 13:10
I haven't the foggiest :confused:
But maybe somebody who does chips in.

08-07-16, 13:13
what is needed to make this work
i havent a clue about CI+ tbh

Rob van der Does
08-07-16, 13:47
Problem is that no one in the team has a CAM or a CI+ module. This makes implementing quite difficult.
PLi has the same issue.
Plus, as I said, legal issues that will probably prevent us from making it work.

08-07-16, 14:39
1) it seems to be just a few manufacturer's that provide the driver interface, and 2) ATV appear to have a couple of CI additional interface modules to handle the CI+, but I guess the oracle for this is ATVCaptain :)
Someone could perhaps ask him for input :)

Rob van der Does
08-07-16, 14:50
Chances that ViX will willingly & knowingly do illegal things are very, very low.....

08-07-16, 15:27
..... and that is good to know:)

08-07-16, 16:11
Which is why I asked how easy it would be from a user point of view.

Rob van der Does
08-07-16, 16:27
Well, that's simple to answer: easy when you know how to build an image and what is needed for this support; and rather difficult when you fail on one of the two (or both) :sofahide:

But that doesn't really help you :cool:

08-07-16, 17:49
Which is why I asked how easy it would be from a user point of view.

Well normally its not toooo hard to find out what has been done to support something, but in this case it's not that obvious from looking at the atv libraries. I can see 2 or 3 additional modules which are obviously neccessary, but cannot see the whole picture, which is why its working contacting the"main" guy on Openatv .... it would save a lot of time and to be honest it,s really a non UK issue :) (and I can say that as I happen to live in Europe:))

Rob van der Does
08-07-16, 18:23
Well, the UK is part of Europe :p

08-07-16, 19:00
Well, the UK is part of Europe :p

As an European, living in Germany with a German wife, I don,t feel that way at the moment:(
Probably not a subject we should discuss:)

Rob van der Does
09-07-16, 03:33
OK, let's call it 'the continent' then, as opposed to the UK; that should be safe enough :whistle: