View Full Version : Only got 1 Sat (28deg) after Vix 4 image update

06-07-16, 18:58
Hi Guys. I recently flashed my solo2 to the latest image but now I only have one satellite in my list.
It was working fine on everything between 30E to 1W before the update so is there an idiots guide on how to set up for multiple sats?
I tried restoring a backup but got the message it was incompatible.
I have tried searching for the last few days but not been able to find anything describing the procedure in terms I can understand!
When I go to the positioner setup it says "no tuners are configured for Discq positioner" but both tuners are set to DisqA/B in tuner config.
Now when I check the channel list even the "Satellites" green button says something else now!
This is driving me barmy so an idiots guide would be very helpful if there is one.

06-07-16, 23:50
Did you not make any sort of backup before you flashed? How did you flash (usb or couch)?

07-07-16, 15:32
I flashed using USB and yes I made a backup to the HDD, but when I tried to restore it I got a message saying it was not compatible so couldn't restore.

Hence I could do with a "setup for multiple sat's from scratch" guide if there is such a thing anywhere.


abu baniaz
08-07-16, 00:52
There is a difference between DiSEqC positioner controls and DiSEqC switch. Going by your description, you have configured your tuner for a switch.

If you refer to the Vix manual, there is a section for tuner configuration. It is explained in section 1.5

Alternatively, you can unpack/unzip the settings backup you made. There will be a file called "settings" in /etc/enigma2 Your tuner configuration is saved in there too. You can then stop enigma2 with "init 4" command. Copy the tuner settinsg from your backup settings file. Paste the tuner settings in the settings file on your receiver. Restart receiver.

Another alternative, is to use USALS motor controls if your motor has been configured properly.

10-07-16, 15:44
Thanks for the reply. I had checked the manual but it didn't make a lot of sense to my brain. The sat positions should allready be set as they were working fine before the upgrade.The options also didn't match those on my box (I think the manual was from an earlier image).
However with lots of experimenting I eventually managed to get it to switch satallites. The problem then was I was only getting 26 channels on 28.2E and hardly any on the other sats until I realised that I needed to set my longitude and latitude.

Now I am getting just over 500 channels on 28.2E but I am still missing lots of channels. There is no sky sports channels except ssp1hd (which doesn't work anyway) and I think Im missing others from 13E as well. Any ideas what could be wrong?
My location is NE UK.

12-07-16, 17:08
Hi Guys.
I have recently upgraded to the latest Vix image but have had major problems since.
When I tried to restore settings it said they were not compatible with this image so I had to try manually ( it was setup by the installer last time, so this is my 1st attempt myself)..
It took me a while to work out how to get the dish to move between sats and now I seem to have that sorted, I am missing lots of channels.
On 28.8E I did a scan and found 550(ish) channels but there was no Sky sports, in fact there were only 2 channels with sky in the name altogether! From what I have read 900+ channels is the norm for 28.8?
I then tried a blind scan which increased the number to 602 channels, and although I have found some Sky Box office channels (4 I think) and SS1HD, still there are no ss2/3/4/5 etc. Its not limited to 28.8 either as there are numerous channels on Hotbird not in the scan that I remeber as well.

This must be a tuner config issue as it was working fine before the upgrade and the motorised dish hasn't been touched. Just to confirm it wasn't a dish position issue, I took one of the feeds from my genuine Sky+ HD box (which uses a fixed dish) and did another scan of 28.8 but got the same 602 channels. Its almost like I aren't scanning some transponders or something, but surely a blind scan should not have that issue?
I have attached jpg's of my tuner config, and scan setup pages in the hope someone can spot something wrong?

Not sure if its related but I get a "tuner lock timeout" error if I try to use the auto-bouquet maker and for some reason the dish seems to re position to 19 Deg E when I try to run it even though I only have 28.8 enabled in the config sat list.

12-07-16, 18:10
Can you try using ABM in Menu > Setup > Service Searching > AutoBouquetsMaker (ABM). Use expert mode, in providers use "Region'Custom'" and scan n see what that gives you. We can fine tune your settings later.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

abu baniaz
12-07-16, 18:16
You should not have started another thread.

What is connected to tuner A? Describe what is at the end of the wire. Do you have any switches/couplers or anything else between the tuner and the LNB?

What is connected to tuner B? Describe what is at the end of the wire. Do you have any switches/couplers or anything else between the tuner and the LNB?

Please give two separate answers.

DO you sill have the settings backup from your old image?

12-07-16, 18:41
It was set to Sky Tees Custom in the ABM, but I still get the lock timeout message.

I think there is an issue with the ABM on my box, in that when set as above when I check the channels after running abm it is on 19.2. I did notice the moving graphic appear saying its moving from 28.2 to 28.2 before the lock timeout appeared.

abu baniaz
12-07-16, 18:44
You have configured your tuner incorrectly. It is not moving the dish to the correct position. You are at the well, there is plenty of water.

12-07-16, 18:50
I apologise if I've made a booboo, but I started another thread as it is a different issue from my first post (unable to get dish to move).
To answer your questions;-

There are no switches attached to the system. Both channels are connected (via a motor) to the same LNB on an 80cm motorised dish.

I still have the original image backup but not sure I did a "settings" backup. I have never configured one of these before and didn't realise that there was a difference?
As mentioned earlier I did connect tuner A to a feed from my fixed Sky dish but got the same results. (though it was a blind scan and I didn't try the ABM when connected like that.)

abu baniaz
12-07-16, 18:54
Your tuner configuration is fundamental. If that is wrong, you will have issues and will be like a dog chasing it's tail.

The tuner that goes direct to LNB (i.e bypasses the motor), what have you configured it as?

12-07-16, 18:58
You have configured your tuner incorrectly. It is not moving the dish to the correct position. You are at the well, there is plenty of water.

Which setting(s) is/are wrong? (and what are the right ones?)
That is possibly why the ABM doesn't work , but it gets the same number of channels on the fixed Sky dish. so wrong position isn't the issue with the missing channels.

abu baniaz
12-07-16, 19:01
Anything that does not match the hardware connected to the tuner is wrong. You physically cannot connect two tuners to the motor, it only has two ports, one from tuner, one to LNB.

You are not answering questions asked with the aim of helping you. When you are ready to take help, please say so.

12-07-16, 19:03
The 2nd tuner is configured as "second cable of motorised LNB Tuner A"

abu baniaz
12-07-16, 19:08
Let us try to prove that it is your tuner config that is wrong.
Set both tuners as "not configured"
Label the signal wires so that you do not forget which is direct to LNB, and which goes to motor.
Disconnect both signal wires.
Connect the Signal wire from mini dish to tuner B.
Configure tuner B as simple, single, Automatic. Do you get a lock?

12-07-16, 19:09
Anything that does not match the hardware connected to the tuner is wrong. You physically cannot connect two tuners to the motor, it only has two ports, one from tuner, one to LNB.

You are not answering questions asked with the aim of helping you. When you are ready to take help, please say so.

I am sorry If I am coming across as not answering your questions. I am trying as best I know how. My point is that the position of the dish must be correct as It gives the same results whether I scan with the motorised dish attached, OR with the fixed dish of my Sky+ HD attached to the Vu+. It does not make any difference to the number of channels detected. If it was a dish position issue the problem would go away when I wired it up to the fixed sky dish but the issue still persists.
Hope this makes it a bit clearer.

abu baniaz
12-07-16, 19:28
I am sorry If I am coming across as not answering your questions. I am trying as best I know how. My point is that the position of the dish must be correct as It gives the same results whether I scan with the motorised dish attached, OR with the fixed dish of my Sky+ HD attached to the Vu+. It does not make any difference to the number of channels detected. If it was a dish position issue the problem would go away when I wired it up to the fixed sky dish but the issue still persists.
Hope this makes it a bit clearer.

Your assumption is correct if you configured your tuners to match what had been attached to it and you selected the correct tuner when scanning.

Please conduct test in post 16. If that fails, try other cable from mini dish

If you still have the settings backup, email it to
vixlogs@oe-alliance.com Send me a PM once you have emailed it.

12-07-16, 19:31
Do as Abu says. You won't find anybody more knowledgeable and a guy with patience than Abu. So please follow his instructions.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-07-16, 19:34
Let us try to prove that it is your tuner config that is wrong.
Set both tuners as "not configured"
Label the signal wires so that you do not forget which is direct to LNB, and which goes to motor.
Disconnect both signal wires.
Connect the Signal wire from mini dish to tuner B.
Configure tuner B as simple, single, Automatic. Do you get a lock?

Ok done that and the ABM seemed to work but I cant see any Sky channels anywhere in the "last scanned" list and there is nothing in favourites and very little in anything but the HD folder, and again its missing all the SD sky channels as far as I can see.
Screenshot of the results attached.

abu baniaz
12-07-16, 19:42
The last scanned bouquet contains channels from the last enigma2 scan. You did not do that, you used ABM.

I can post instructions for you, you must be prepared to follow them. You can do other stuff once completed following advice.

12-07-16, 19:54
The last scanned bouquet contains channels from the last enigma2 scan. You did not do that, you used ABM.

I can post instructions for you, you must be prepared to follow them. You can do other stuff once completed following advice.

That would be great, but I was wondering if we could simplify the problem by taking the motorised dish out of the equation altogether.
If I just connect both feeds from the fixed sky dish to my Vu+ and set it up as single satellite system we should be able to find the missing channels issue without the complication of worrying about satellite position.

I greatly appreciate your help but I must nip out for about an hour to go collect the Missus from Dialysis. If you are still online when I get back I would like to continue if possible?

abu baniaz
12-07-16, 19:55
I have got the tuner configuration for you, but they do not match what you have described here.

Was your dish installed so that it works on USALS motor control? Simple answer from following options please:

a. yes
b. no
c. I dont know

12-07-16, 21:10
I don't know but if I try a scan with usals turned off I only get about 15 channels on 28.2.
I think we are trying to correct 2 different problems at once here.
I understand what you are saying regarding the positioner setup and ABM not working correctly, but its the lack of channels that is the main issue.
While I was downstairs I have disconnected the motorised dish, connected both of the cables from the fixed sky dish, set both tuners to simple, single and 28.2E. I then ran ABM and it worked in so far as it created a series of bouquets, but even looking in the bouquets it generated on the fixed dish system, there are very few Sky channels (I.e channels with Sky in the name) only sky box office and SSNHQ HD.
This is a basic setup with a dish that I know is set correctly (as my Sky+ HD box works fine on all the channels), yet I still don't get any sky sports or sky Atlantic etc detected. I think if we can get the channels back on a single fixed dish setup that this now is, then the other sats will take care of themselves when I reconnect the motorised dish (though i accept the ABM probably wont work!)

abu baniaz
12-07-16, 21:22
I don't know but if I try a scan with usals turned off I only get about 15 channels on 28.2.
That is because the motorised dish is pointing to the wrong place. If you configure it properly, it will point in the right direction.

After running ABM, did you actually check the bouquets or see the all/satellite view?

If you scan on the fixed dish, and then connect the motorised dish, you will keep getting tune failed if the dish is pointing at the wrong place. Tuner config must match the hardware connected to it. If the dish is not pointing at 28.2, changing tuner config wont make the dish move.

abu baniaz
12-07-16, 21:34
With regards to the motorised dish......

The motor/dish must be aligned correctly (hardware)
The tuner configuration must match (software)

Flashing new image doe snot change the hardware, so it is just the software. As said earlier, tuner configuration is fundamental. Unless you configure correctly, you will have problems.

12-07-16, 21:37
That is because the motorised dish is pointing to the wrong place. If you configure it properly, it will point in the right direction.

After running ABM, did you actually check the bouquets or see the all/satellite view?

If you scan on the fixed dish, and then connect the motorised dish, you will keep getting tune failed if the dish is pointing at the wrong place. Tuner config must match the hardware connected to it. If the dish is not pointing at 28.2, changing tuner config wont make the dish move.

Do you mean the last one I just ran on the fixed dish? if, yes I checked both.

Please ignore the motorised dish for now.
If I cant get the channels on the fixed dish it doesn't matter if the motorised dish is right or wrong, it still wont pick them up.

It's only the ABM that has a problem locating the other sats, NOT an automatic scan.The motorised dish does point at the correct satellites when I run an automatic scan and it detects channels on all satellites, just not all the channels, but as I said, lets just work on the fixed dish system please and see if we can get the Sky channels to detect, as the ABM gets a lock when configured for this.

12-07-16, 21:44
TBH I'm wondering whether to re-flash with the latest image and start again with the fixed dish connected to see If i get all the Sky channels then. If that doesn't work then I might go back to the old version of VIX as that worked ok.
Any thoughts?

abu baniaz
12-07-16, 21:44
Your dish is not being set to the right place. If it was, you would get all the channels. Just accept this fact.

12-07-16, 22:00
Your dish is not being set to the right place. If it was, you would get all the channels. Just accept this fact.

Then why cant I get the channels when its connected to the fixed sky dish?

abu baniaz
12-07-16, 22:06
With all due respect, you are doing something wrong. It is impossible for ABM to run successfully and for you not to have the Sky channels (not that I asked you to run ABM).

12-07-16, 22:22
Haha yes I get that I'm doing something wrong:). I just cant work out what. I have tried so much over the last week that I cant remember what I have done so I think in the morning, I will re-flash and try again with it set up as a single satellite on the fixed dish and see if I get any more Sky channels. If you are up for some more hair pulling, I would appreciate your guidance with the clean system tomorrow if you are around?

Anyway thanks very much for your help and patience, it has been much appreciated.


abu baniaz
12-07-16, 22:29
Not sure you need to work out what you are doing wrong, you just need to do the right things.

13-07-16, 13:13
This morning I have reflashed with the latest image and set the system up as single sat. Both tuners are connected to the fixed dish and are set simple, single and automatic. Everything else is left at default. I then did an automatic scan when prompted and have now found all the missing channels on 28.2. (cant remember the exact number but very close to 1k channels. I ran ABM which worked fine and gave me the completed bouquets. I then installed CCcam and everything was working fine, so I reconnected the motorised dish without altering any settings and checked that the previously missing channels were still viewable which they were.
That is the first problem fixed.
Now to the motorised system.
I have now set the Tuner 1 config to advanced, entered my GPS location, set the other satellites to LNB 1, set discQ mode to A/B version 1.2 and set second tuner to "second cable of motorised dish LNB1"
I am now running manual scans on the other satellites to check if they still have missing channels. I will update the thread when I know the results of that, but so far the dish is moving between satellites as expected so I just need to check the channels lists when its finished. I am avoiding the ABM at this stage as I suspect it still wont work on the motorised dish (It never did even on the old image) and maybe have a look at that once I've got all the channels detecting.

14-07-16, 10:42
Sorry to jump in here. Why are you setting diseq and not USALS? I would venture to suggest that is the key to your problem.

14-07-16, 22:00
Ok guys.. After the last post I did a manual scan on all the Satellites in my range (1W-28E) and seem to have picked up all the channels I was expecting.
The dish moves between satellites when expected and the reception seems good.
I have not ran ABM as I suspect it will not work and I don't want to corrupt or lose the sky bouquets I made on the fixed dish, or the satellite scans I made manually.
I will make a new backup now everything else seems to be working and then if abu baniaz or someone with similar knowledge is willing to guide me through correct ABM configuration, I will give it a go.

Regarding sandiego69's question, it is my understanding (From Wikipedia) that USALS uses the DiSEqc 1.2 protocol to communicate the settings to the positioner, so both are turned on in my config. Is this wrong?

abu baniaz
14-07-16, 22:21
Perform a manual scan of the transponder shown in picture. How many channel do you get?

ABM does not interfere with your bouquets.

14-07-16, 23:13
Hi Abu, It didn't find any channels

abu baniaz
14-07-16, 23:44
You need to fine tune your dish or change the configuration. (Please accept this fact. That transponder is the one that Sky UK uses for their receivers at bootup, your dish is not locking onto it)

When you were asked about how your dish was setup, your answers were not distinct. Majority of people set/configure their motorised dish like the attached picture. If it is slightly out, they cheat and adjust the co-ordinates.


Other people manually tune the dish and store positions if the dish/motor was not aligned for USALS usage

15-07-16, 00:18
Now we are getting somewhere. I had never seen that screen before and the settings were out by about 8 deg Longitde and 5 deg latitude. I had always input my lat and long in the tuner advanced config at the bottom of the satelite config screen. Now I have corrected them in the screen you showed me, I have rescanned the transponder and got 9 channels.

One thing I did notice, when I hit ok after the scan, the tuner A config now says mode USALS.

abu baniaz
15-07-16, 00:26
ABM for UK services on 28.2 should work now. As well as other satellites.

15-07-16, 00:46
Failed again. It got a lot further than previously in that it scanned the first few providers including sky UK (585video), sky Ireland, Sky italia etc and had got up to about 2500 video channels before I had to nip to the loo. When I returned it said tuner lock failed, and the log just shows lots of lines saying failed. There are no additional bouquets to the one I created using the fixed dish earlier.
I updated the provider config files before running ABM, though it said that they were all up to date anyway.
Is it possible I chose a provider that is outside my limits? or does ABM only offer providers within the satellites you have configured?

15-07-16, 01:00
I am going to hit the sack now as pretty goosed. I will try ABM again tomorrow but with fewer providers selected and see if that gets me anywhere.
Will report the results on here.
Thanks for the help again. You are a star.

abu baniaz
15-07-16, 01:07
Is it possible I chose a provider that is outside my limits? or does ABM only offer providers within the satellites you have configured?

Yes and Yes.
You have currently selected all satellites, ABM therefore offers all satellites. There is another tuner configuration mode "positioner (selecting satellites)" This is better option as you pick only the satellites

You have not mentioned which providers you selected. Your 80cm dish won't get some of the providers ABM does. If you look at your debug log, it will tell you which provider failed.
