View Full Version : Canon CR2 files

04-01-11, 15:40
Hi, I am new to the Duo scene, but haave some questions that I can not see any reference to. It may be too niche.
I take camer pics in a format called raw (In canon speak it is called cr2). it is similiar to jpeg, but not lossy
Do you know if there is anyway I can get the unit to recognise such files?
If someone can point me in the right direction I am will to start coding it myself!

04-01-11, 22:54
wow, I didn't realise how niche it is!
Anyway I have now found that v1.3 crashes with large jpgs.. Is there a setting somewhere that I have missed?


04-01-11, 23:12
Personally, I don't use images on my duo... So, I haven't noticed any problems...

But, why don't you get your camera to shoot in raw and jpeg?! That way, you can keep the jpg images for your duo, and the raw images for your photo processing... That's what I do. Have the jpegs for posting out for family, and the cr2's for myself...

04-01-11, 23:48
Hi there,
What I actually do is convert them via photoshop afterwards...in the vain attempt to save disk space!
You said you don't use images.. if not what do you use?
SOrry but as I mentioned I am new to the scene...

04-01-11, 23:50
Hi there,
What I actually do is convert them via photoshop afterwards...in the vain attempt to save disk space!
You said you don't use images.. if not what do you use?
SOrry but as I mentioned I am new to the scene...

I meant I don't bother to put my pictures on to the vu duo... I just use them on my laptop, email them out to people, and put them on the digital photoframe. Not display them on the tv ;)

If trying to save diskspace, use a program called fsresizer to compress the pictures in a bulk ;)

04-01-11, 23:55
Ahh ok , sorry for the confusion..
I was hoping to allow the family to view pics via the box (one of the reasons for getting the duo box)
I think the box is great... I just need to understand to get the best out of it.

04-01-11, 23:57
Ahh ok , sorry for the confusion..
I was hoping to allow the family to view pics via the box (one of the reasons for getting the duo box)
I think the box is great... I just need to understand to get the best out of it.

You should be able to, as I did it once ages on the dm800 (same ideas, just different box ;)) I think the plugin to use is picture viewer... These were with the jpegs from the canon straight out (as I said, I shoot in raw and jpg), and jpg's from a panasonic lumix... So, the duo should be able to work it...

05-01-11, 00:02
I get guaranteed crashes every time... I thought that it was just the file, so I tried several others. The files are ~6 mb.
As I am new to the forum I am not sure how the guys who work hard on the image would take my comments!
Any idea what I can do, or write my own??

05-01-11, 00:14
I get guaranteed crashes every time... I thought that it was just the file, so I tried several others. The files are ~6 mb.
As I am new to the forum I am not sure how the guys who work hard on the image would take my comments!
Any idea what I can do, or write my own??

I'll try and give it a test (or maybe bob will if he gets time also), and we'll let you know... BTW, what cam you got? My jpg's only come out at about 3.5-4mb, and that is full res. But I only have a 1000d :( Couldn't afford (or warrant) anything better at the time (about 2 years ago now)

05-01-11, 00:27
I recently upgraded (more money than sense) I have a canon 5d Mark 2.
I was just thinking that it could be the conversion by photoshop that is causing the issue.
I will test tomorrow and update you.
Regards TT

05-01-11, 00:31
I recently upgraded (more money than sense) I have a canon 5d Mark 2.
I was just thinking that it could be the conversion by photoshop that is causing the issue.
I will test tomorrow and update you.
Regards TT

Wouldn't have thought so, but let us know ;)

Also, if you wanna donate your old camera (hopefully a 5d mk1?!), then I'll have it ;) hehe :D

06-01-11, 03:35
Forget trying to read CR2 files on the Duo. It could be done, but it doesn't warrant the effort, in my opinion.
You'd be better to use DPP to batch process each set of CR2s to high quality about 2 Mpix jpegs and look at those on the Duo.
You'll see no reduction in quality or resolution (being limited by the TV, which is nowhere near the 21 Mpix of the 5D2), and get a huge benefit in terms of reduced file size and image loading time.

09-01-11, 15:59
hi xarqi,
The reason why I would prefer to do this so that I don't have to store the same image in jpeg and raw.
When you are saying it could be done is this experience, or are you taling theoretically?

09-01-11, 23:36
Think of CR2s as negatives. If you are going to do just about anything useful with them (other than just edit them in a RAW converter), they need to be converted to another format.

Experience or theory?
A bit of both. I've certainly used DPP to convert image batches from time to time (although having shot in RAW+JPEG would have avoided that step, and typically, I'd make tweaks to individual RAW images). I've never used the Vu+ to view photos on a TV. When I have done that, and it's rare, it's been with an SD card plugged into the side of my TV.

09-01-11, 23:52
Think of CR2s as negatives. If you are going to do just about anything useful with them (other than just edit them in a RAW converter), they need to be converted to another format.

Experience or theory?
A bit of both. I've certainly used DPP to convert image batches from time to time (although having shot in RAW+JPEG would have avoided that step, and typically, I'd make tweaks to individual RAW images). I've never used the Vu+ to view photos on a TV. When I have done that, and it's rare, it's been with an SD card plugged into the side of my TV.

To add a little to xarqi... you would need a piece of software on the vu that would be able to decrypt the cr2 files... This is unlikely, especially since different cameras give little differences between cr2 files. So your best bet, is to either convert the cr2's to jpg (or another popular image format), or shoot in raw+jpg... Also, don't think of it as storing in 2 different formats. I use cr2 files on my mac, the missus just wants to view the images on her pc (and email off to family etc). So, I shoot in raw+jpg. I then import my cr2 files to iphoto, and give her the jpgs. I also make a backup of both formats on to my external hdd... So, I at least have the image on 3 different areas, in different formats... Am even considering making a 4th backup on to a different media... This way, I ensure I have a copy of the files if the worst should happen, and we're all happy in the ways we can view the files!

19-01-11, 20:42
Wow, you guys keep a lot of copies..
In order to answer some questions!
my previous camera was a 300d! I noticed a significant difference between raw and jpeg and therefore prefer raw (cr2). I would stil prefer to view cr2's but this will no doubt involve programming, which I won't beable to do for at least a year!
I tred to view jpegs (10m per picture) and this crashed the box. Has anyone any suggestions as to how I can resolve this?
Thanks in advance TT

11-03-11, 00:30
hi tin.top,

I was just trying to browse some images on a mounted drive and my vu duo box just can't see them in media plater. It's like the folder is empty, even though I know it's full or large jpgs. Did you find a way to solve this problem?

What plugin etc did you use? I'm very new to this area, so can just follow basic instructions if possible!
