View Full Version : Gigant by name BUT.....

04-01-11, 12:28
i am somewhat surprised by some of the images when released which dont seem to be a step forward.

This is one such image.

VIX is the only image that when released each time seems a step forward....VTI, PLI and now GIGANT have this habit of releasing constantly but maybe too early and then trying to adjust it....to put it another way if the latest image released is not the best then by inference its a failure and i rekon this is VIX philosophy to some degree..keep moving on and up... and its the right way forward for me

The lalest Gigant image...for the bin sadly...unless you a celtic fan cos you might enjoy the constant green screen colour

04-01-11, 12:37
Gigant don't make or develop there own images they just take someone over dev teams image slap a different bootlogo/skin on then add every plug-in going and call it a image.

04-01-11, 14:07
Gigant don't make or develop there own images they just take someone over dev teams image slap a different bootlogo/skin on then add every plug-in going and call it a image.
Could not have put it better myself, it is basically a backup of Black Hole image with some plugins that don't' work or destroy the original coding.
Steer well clear of it.

04-01-11, 15:42
well whats the point of that....i could do that myself.....ridiculous

04-01-11, 16:14
i used to be an admirer of the Gigant images, but because of the foibles you have stipulated i ditched them, far too many hiccups for me, now it's down to VIX and BH.

and so any of the variations of any image get a bit swerve from me.

regards: canthackit

04-01-11, 17:09
There are several so called "teams" for certain boxes who make so called "images". They change the boot logos and add a few cams, adons and a channel list then pass it off as an image. I think I might take there "image" add my bootlogos and call myself a team anyone want to join LOL.

04-01-11, 19:00
There are several so called "teams" for certain boxes who make so called "images". They change the boot logos and add a few cams, adons and a channel list then pass it off as an image. I think I might take there "image" add my bootlogos and call myself a team anyone want to join LOL.

lol not a bad idea

sorry cant join too ties up in vix cant handle another image even if its no coding lol

04-01-11, 19:41
hmm What to call my new image maybe MIX LOL.

05-01-11, 19:50
I dont like Gigant images.

05-01-11, 19:57
Gigant = Bloatware