View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] cable tv problem

26-06-16, 14:06
Hi, can anyone help me please? The problem I have is i've added a cable tuner to my vu+ duo2 box, the sat side works perfect but the cable side keeps PIXELATING, even on fta channels!, I'm using vermin broadband with openvix image 4.1.13, I've even tried different images vti etc but still same problem, could it be a faulty tuner?? hope someone can help me. thanks in advance....

26-06-16, 14:08
Have you got the correct netid configured?

26-06-16, 14:21
yes mate 41063 stoke on trent

26-06-16, 14:26
If your live on the outskirts of Stoke on Trent then try another area nettid thats close to where you live. Other than this you have a lose connection somewhere or a faulty tuner.
Can you try the box somewhere else like a friend who has VM.

26-06-16, 14:34
yes mate, I've tried a different cable and with the sat side working fine my moneys on the faulty tuner. so i'll send it back and ask for a replacement thanks for your help

26-06-16, 14:55
Your signal strength might not be strong enough, what are you getting on screen when you press ok button on a virgin channel? Have you double checked the connections? What tuner are you using?

26-06-16, 15:35
Sounds like he has split the feed himself, or he is getting noise from an homemade cable (rf connector).

27-06-16, 00:59
VU+ have the worst cable tuners I had used. Can you try with other cable box before you spend time and money sending the VU+ tuner back?

From my experience cheap cable boxes work well where VU+ Duo2 cable tuners fails.

28-06-16, 17:23
thanks for your replys guys, I have returned the tuner for a swap, will let you know in the next few days on the outcome, fingers crossed! lol

30-06-16, 10:58
installed new tuner today, still had same problem, thought maybe tuner was overheating so increased fan speed inside box still pixelating, so out of desperation I changed my three way splitter (broadband+tv+tv) back to two way splitter (broadband+tv) and presto all channels are fine now!. So if you have virmin install a second box they will have to split cable three way so do they then increase the signal strength???

30-06-16, 12:43
You can use one of the Yellow "Brick" amplifiers, I have to use one as my Cable signal is very weak and has always struggled with a split - especially on the higher frequency channels.

30-06-16, 12:46
Yes this is documented many times, especially in heavily subscribed areas your signal will be 'balanced' at the green box, splitting the signal will result in lower power levels and usually will need the power being increased at the green box, some people just get lucky when splitting because they are not already being 'balanced' so have the head room.

30-06-16, 12:48
You can use one of the Yellow "Brick" amplifiers, I have to use one as my Cable signal is very weak and has always struggled with a split - especially on the higher frequency channels.

I have previously used the cheap Chinese ones of eBay with no problems, except the smaller threaded f connectors you need to fit, grr!

30-06-16, 14:24
My DuoČ on cable wasn't great and some channels i couldn't get (SPHD4) at all,when you used elec ignition on cooker or an electronic lighter it affected the picture.I was using same
coax as my sat (that was ok),My pal gave me some "good quality cable" and its been perfect since

30-06-16, 17:26
You can use one of the Yellow "Brick" amplifiers, I have to use one as my Cable signal is very weak and has always struggled with a split - especially on the higher frequency channels.
I've one of the yellow bricks for sale OP. PM me if interested....

01-07-16, 11:29
UPDATE!, Had a little thought, So I've put setup back to two way splitter as explained in previous post above Broadband+tv, then I've taken the tv cable and added a two way splitter in that cable, one to virmin box, one to duo2 box and at the moment both are working fine!, since last night!, just thought it might help someone who as the same problem as me..........