View Full Version : [VU+ Solo SE] very very wierd problem

25-06-16, 04:15
hi, i dont know how to describe my problem cause it sure is weird , any how i have been using vu+ since the duo came out
and i have flashed and re flashed the receivers many time, i now have vu+ dou and se and se v2
my prolpem is with the se 2, i had an open tv image on it , now i want to flash it with open vix the lates one, 4.1 build 11 but
no mater what i do , the flash process finishes and every thing is ok, but when i start my receiver i am still stuck with the open
atv picture and the receiver get stuck?! i also have tried to flash open black hole, amd pther images the same problem, at the restart of my receiver
i get open balck hole pic then open atv pic is still there and the receiver is stuck again?! i have managed to flash it with the original
2.1 image, but still have the same problem with original image 3.0, and the weird thing is i have tried to flash it with vix 3.2 image
for solo se, but when it boots up i get open atv booted up and ready like its from a backup image of open atv of mine with setting and
every thing is there, this is really weird its like its not clearing up all the flash or something i dont know how is this possible and yes
my solo se v2 is 100% genuine. wow i just flashed it with a clean open atv image i just downloaded and it flashed ok and started, but
all my setting for everything plugin and all is there :/ so why its only accepting open atv image i am guessing the setting part of the
open atv image is not being erased, please any help in this cause i really need to flash the latest vix iamge is there a tool to erase
the flash of the receiver!?
and how come i can flash the original 2.1 image?

25-06-16, 06:36
How do you know it isn't a clone?
It sure sounds like one...
Just saying...
If it states it has successfully flashed VIX but does not boot, yet it will then boot if you flash another image it sounds like a clone.
The only other thing you could try if you are 100% sure it is not a clone is disconnect any HDD or flash drive during boot.

25-06-16, 13:38
i know its not clone cause i bought it from a qualified vu+ dealer in dubai, the same shop i bought my
vu+se and vu+ duo, and the vu+se2

i went to there shop in dubai when i was there and i bout it, and the box looks 100% genuine it exactly looks like my old vu+se only this one the v2, and its flashing the original 2.1 image, i have a
esata hdd connected to it, ill try disconnect that and reflash, but all images get stuck in the first seconds of boot in the initial pic of the image, vix image dont even show the pic image of vix in initial boot.

wow wait wait mmmmmm, i was flashing with a usb thumb driver, while my external esata is connected and it had a backup images of my solo se, is it possible that its getting confused and
using the external esata to flash as well ?!!

ps i am sorry if i posted a link in wrong way i didnt know how to post it

25-06-16, 13:49
You need to disconnect any usb external devices, I.e. HDDs, USB sticks with epg data on etc. So basically you only have the usb with the image on inserted to the front usb port.

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25-06-16, 13:54
its not a usb external drive, its a Esata external hdd, it connected to the esata port of the vu+se thats why i didnt pay any attention to it or i didnt think it will effect the flash process,, i will reflash with it disconnected and c what happens. does it still look in Esata to flash with!?

25-06-16, 14:05
Yeah, still disconnect it.

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