View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Vix image 4.1 Dbbsty t330 cable tuner channels locking up

07-06-16, 21:46

I love using the Vix images as I think they look great and are feature packed. However months ago I started using VTi image as it seemed to be the only image that work in a stable way with my USB C tuner

I have went back to using Vix again in the hope that this would be resolved but sadly its still the same. When I switch to from a cable channel to sat channel then try to switch back to a cable channel the whole receiver locks up and I need to restart.

I have downloaded the correct dvbsky driver from plugins (the only dvbsky driver I might add), and as I say I don't have this issue in Vti image but I want to use Vix!

Please someone help!

07-06-16, 22:03
I advise you to use Oscam for your softcam. It will solve a lot of your problems.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-06-16, 22:25
ah ok il give that a go, thank you

07-06-16, 23:06

I have tried it with oscam, with same problem unfortunately...

Anyone confirm if they have a decent USB C tuner working on Vix image that doesn't cause this issue with of "hanging" the box which switching from cable to sat and vice versa. I don't mind buying another one if its not too expensive but I don't want to buy one that's gonna cause me the same image when using Vix and as I have said I want to use the Vix image

07-06-16, 23:59
Search Vu+ Turbo and read the two threads at the top, might help.

08-06-16, 00:37
Search Vu+ Turbo and read the two threads at the top, might help.

Same issue mate I have tried with oscam, but same result - sent you a PM

08-06-16, 07:37
Sundtek cable tuner works fine on VIX, I would not recomend turbo tuner.

08-06-16, 09:11
I wasn't really recommending the Turbo tuner, I've just bought one and ran into problems. I have sorted it though and just pointing to the threads that point out the cure.

08-06-16, 10:20
Thank you to you both, I know your trying to help. Appreciate it

23-06-16, 18:39
I bought & set up the VU+ Turbo tuner 3 days ago on my Solo2, I also use the latest VIX image. I've also gotten to feel the power button a lot since, at least 4 times per night so far, very disapointed as I love using the Metrix skin.

Can either Blackhole or ATV run the Metrix skin?