View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Online version check error

31-05-16, 11:43
Hi There,

I am new to this forum, learning slowly, hope someone can help me!

I have a Vu+ Solo2 which has been working flawlessly until recently...

I get a message saying "Online version check error" and find things like access ftp, backups, and softcam plugins non existant,

I turned off scheduled/background updates, after some googling saw that removing the livefeed files sorts it out, but no joy,

I hope someone can shed some light!

Your help would be really appreciated!

31-05-16, 12:17
I am currently unable to contact the update server on my solo2, I did ask the question yesterday but another solo2 owner said his was fine.

31-05-16, 13:06
Glad I'm not on my own, I've set up a dyn dns, managed to restore a back up image using webif, but I know it'll mess up by the time i get home!

31-05-16, 13:38
Ok, got an error message while trying to restore after it messed up again!

something to do with no space on back up destination, even though its on an nearly empty 1tb hdd, not sure if this could be related, going to avoid ftp'ing files over.

31-05-16, 18:25
Glad I'm not on my own, I've set up a dyn dns, managed to restore a back up image using webif, but I know it'll mess up by the time i get home!

I was messing with a vpn on my router last week, my box has now worked after a reboot, vpn, dns can be a messy business.

01-06-16, 07:32
I was messing with a vpn on my router last week, my box has now worked after a reboot, vpn, dns can be a messy business.

Do You suggest that this could be causing issues?

02-06-16, 07:00

Screen grab of the error message

Can anyone help??

03-06-16, 12:08
so I've re-flashed to another image, and have the same problem, cannot access by ftp, (shows socket connection error on dcc) starting to think its a hardware issue

03-06-16, 12:11
factory reset router then reflash i've had similar issues when trying to view outside of network