View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Failing to open a TS link with Kodi

30-05-16, 23:43

I am having an issue with Kodi when trying to open an IPTV TS link.
The very same link works perfectly on my phone running Kodi for android and Kodi on Windows works perfectly as well.

To open this link I have installed livestreamspro + f4mTester.

The xml link is something similar to this one:


When trying to open this link with Kodi, I have the following error messages:

18:01:05 T:1722807344 NOTICE: [addon.live.streamspro-2.3.8]: NOT setting isplayableplugin://plugin.video.f4mTester/?streamtype=TSDOWNLOADER&url=http://XXX.YYY.ZZZ.KKK:8080/live/zxH3HyIGFF/RnlHTlQ8MB/38.ts;name=MyTV HD
18:01:05 T:1661203504 WARNING: CreateLoader - unsupported protocol(plugin) in plugin://plugin.video.live.streamspro/?url=plugin%3A%2F%2Fplugin.video.f4mTester%2F%3Fst reamtype%3DTSDOWNLOADER%26url%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2FXXX.Y YY.ZZZ.KKK%3A8080%2Flive%2FzxH3HyIGFF%2FRnlHTlQ8MB %2F38.ts%3Bname%3DMyTV+%5BCOLOR+blue%5D+HD+%5B%2FC OLOR%5D+&mode=12
18:01:05 T:1661203504 ERROR: InputStream: Error opening, plugin://plugin.video.live.streamspro/?url=plugin%3A%2F%2Fplugin.video.f4mTester%2F%3Fst reamtype%3DTSDOWNLOADER%26url%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2FXXX.Y YY.ZZZ.KKK%3A8080%2Flive%2FzxH3HyIGFF%2FRnlHTlQ8MB %2F38.ts%3Bname%3DMyTV+%5BCOLOR+blue%5D+HD+%5B%2FC OLOR%5D+&mode=12

It seems like an error in the translation/lookup of the plugin request.

Is it a bug into Kodi for OpenViX?
