View Full Version : Hello..............

25-05-16, 23:11
Hi everybody tried to join the forum tonight. It wouldn’t let me, it said I was already a member. What I can’t remember that. But the system had my email & the user name I always use, so I tried a generic password I use. Wow it let me in it, told me my password was 840 day old & I needed to update it, I did so here I am, I know 2.3 years is a long time for an Introduction but better late than never..

So the name is marc.
I stared in the hobby when d2mac was all the rage, then went to echostar & magic cams & all that sort of stuff. Last couple of years been running a skybox f5s very simple to maintain, I like that.

Just pre-order a VU+ Duo2 from World of Satellite. Looking forward to playing with it. I got a 60cm & 1m motorised dish up at the moment & I have still have a 1.2 channel master 36v dish, it must be 20 years old now or may be older? Keep meaning to look for a DiSEqC Motor for it.

Other hobbies are Amateur Radio I have a full licence, electronics, motorbikes I have a kawasaki zrx1100 (1998) I also play the guitar badly.

O did I mention I can’t spell or do gamer……

26-05-16, 07:53
Welcome aboard Marc. [emoji4]

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