View Full Version : ET8K busy tuner

25-05-16, 17:28
Hi guys
ok still have this busy tuner problem when nothing is recording most mornings one tuner is red (busy) and i can only use the free tuner if i restart the box (gui) it clears I've followed abu's advice about netstat and sure enough theres some czech f@cker with an established connection to my router, i have to my knowledge no ports forwarded and webif is disabled please can any one help out
ET8k running vix 3.2 build 036
router linksys EA6900

Rob van der Does
26-05-16, 05:56
Well, you surely have a stranger on board!
I really would advise to look into your router settings: without port-forwarding there is no way a stranger can reach your STB.

BTW: The command 'netstat' on your box will show connections to your box, not to your router.

27-05-16, 07:36
Hi Rob
Sorry its still all new this bit so do i need to first ftp to the box then netstat once in and is there any place in particular the netstat command should be entered (is there a command prompt)

Rob van der Does
27-05-16, 07:56
You'll have to use a telnet client for that. But if the issue is gone when you disconnect the LAN-cable, you can be sure you had a burglar in your house (or someone in your household who was streaming on Phone/Tablet/PC/STB).

27-05-16, 11:53
Hi Rob
i'm sure in the past when i pulled the ethernet cable out the tuner stayed busy and its only a gui restart that clears it. today i used nmap prog to look at the box and it showed this
which shows open ports on the stb but don't i need some for open for epg update and "other cam things"
does the list below help you
Really appreciate the help

Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 08:03

Scanning et8000 (192.168 xxx) [1000 ports]

Discovered open port 21/tcp on 192.168.xxxx

Discovered open port 22/tcp on 192.168.xxxx

Discovered open port 23/tcp on 192.168.xxxx

Discovered open port 8001/tcp on 192.168.xxxx

Discovered open port 16000/tcp on 192.168xxxx

Discovered open port 16001/tcp on 192.168xxxx

Discovered open port 12000/tcp on 192.168xxxx

Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 08:03, 0.32s elapsed (1000 total ports)

Initiating Service scan at 08:03

Scanning 7 services on et8000 (192.168.xxxx)

Completed Service scan at 08:04, 65.22s elapsed (7 services on 1 host)

Initiating OS detection (try #1) against et8000 (192.168xxxx)

NSE: Script scanning 192.168xxxx.

Initiating NSE at 08:04

Completed NSE at 08:05, 32.06s elapsed

Initiating NSE at 08:05

Completed NSE at 08:05, 0.02s elapsed

Nmap scan report for et8000 (192.168xxxx)

Host is up (0.000037s latency).

Not shown: 993 closed ports


21/tcp open ftp vsftpd 3.0.2

22/tcp open ssh Dropbear sshd 2015.67 (protocol 2.0)

23/tcp open telnet

8001/tcp open http-proxy Ncat http proxy (Nmap 4.85BETA1 or later)





|_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 45F99C9F60503C3C9F2D5ACA52CE8B24

Rob van der Does
27-05-16, 12:28
But that scan is done from within your network I suppose? Having ports open in your LAN is no problem, as long as no ports are forwarded in your router.

PS: very well possible that pulling the LAN-cable won't (immediately)release the tuner.

28-05-16, 17:40
But that scan is done from within your network I suppose? Having ports open in your LAN is no problem, as long as no ports are forwarded in your router.

PS: very well possible that pulling the LAN-cable won't (immediately)release the tuner.

Ok its not outsider using my tuner and it seems its a box issue when it does its ABM epg update in the early hours if i disable this it doesn't occupy my tuner but i have to manually update xepg which is a pain specially if we are away
is there away to update epg without using the scheduled scan in ABM

28-05-16, 17:50
Your ABM and EPG are 2 different operations that are set to run separately. You can disable your ABM scan and still run your EPG at a set time everyday or what ever you choose.

28-05-16, 19:07
If you are having problems with Cross OpenTV download please update to the latest image.

28-05-16, 19:11
BTW, netstat just lists connections. It does not prove ports are open. The connections shown could all be outgoing.

Rob van der Does
29-05-16, 04:38
Yes, of course. But you should know the ones to which you are connected yourself, so the rest are intruders.