View Full Version : [MB Premium Twin HD] Schizophrenic playbck

21-05-16, 00:09
I've just had a very strange happening while playing back an SD recording from Film4.

After about 40mins I noticed the front panel flashing. It shows the elapsed play time of the recording, and it was flipping between ~45:00 (incrementing each second) and a time +60:47 ahead of that (also incrementing every second).
The playback itself seemed smooth.
The blue elapsed line on the first Infobar was also flipping between these two times.

Whereas the playback seemed to be smooth, the film finished ~1 hour before I expected it to, so it looks as though it had skipped to the advanced time at some point.

Streaming it via WebIF works fine so the MPEG file is OK.

I'll have a look at the *.ap and *.sc files, to see whether they have any oddity.

I'm not expecting anyone else to look into it, but if anyone has ever seen anything like this before I'd like to know.

21-05-16, 09:38
I had a problem a few days ago with a recorded programme, using the number keys to skip adverts, I found I was way past the end of the adverts, so I started the programme from the beginning to get back to where I wanted to be.
I didn't notice the InfoBar or front panel, and skips have always been 100% accurate.
Never thought anymore about it until your post.

21-05-16, 13:04
Well, I can see from the ts.ap file that the PTS field wraps round through 0 at about the point that it starts to behave oddly.
Given that it's a 33(?!) bit integer in a permanent stream I've always wondered how the inevitable wrap-round gets handled (I reckon it should happen about every 26.5 hours). perhaps it's an issue with jumping over the wrap-around rather then playing through it.
More to look at....

21-05-16, 15:09
If I take a copy of it (so there is no ts.ap or ts.sc file for it to work with) it behaves differently. Wrongly, but differently.

It thinks the recording is 71:46 long - it's actually 132:35.
A quick test seems to indicate that it's OK up to the "end", but as it plays on beyond that it gets confused. A Fast-Forward showed the end credits twice - but it did get to the end after that.

This could keep me entertained for hours....

22-05-16, 02:37
Running it through avconv (to get an mpeg PS version of it) and MPEG-info showed that there were issues with the continuity of streams at a few places, and avconv also reported " Non-monotonous DTS".
Just re-linking the file under a different name let it play OK provided I didn't FF or jump.

VideoRedo was able to fix it OK, and likewise the avconv translation to an mpeg PS looked OK.

So I'll just put it down to an oddity in the transmission.