View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Radio mode with black screen

16-05-16, 12:28
Hi Guys,

Just installed VIX and want to customize my settings.
Since I have a Plasma TV which is sensitive for burning in I want the screen to be black in radio mode.
Where can I set/select that?



16-05-16, 12:40
You would need to add a radio boot type logo n add it to usr/share/enigma2 I think. Not at home so can't be more specific than that sorry.

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16-05-16, 12:43
Hi Guys,

Just installed VIX and want to customize my settings.
Since I have a Plasma TV which is sensitive for burning in I want the screen to be black in radio mode.
Where can I set/select that?


Turn off the TV:)
Seriously change the radio.mvi ....seen this asked before so if you google sure you will find one available:)

16-05-16, 12:45
This may help, to give you an idea. >> MK Radio Bootlogos

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16-05-16, 13:15
This may help, to give you an idea. >> MK Radio Bootlogos

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Thank you guys for the rapid response.
Now I don't know how to generate an .mvi file, cannot find anything under my linux OS.
Is there any black mvi file to download anywhere?

16-05-16, 13:29
Xorion Bootlogo Maker is what you need. Then you would just add a black JPEG 1080p picture and it will generate the mvi file and then rename it accordingly. [emoji4]

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16-05-16, 13:56

Great, I found a windows tool which worked under linux wine. Created a 1280X720 picture and now my screen is black.

Thanks for helping good to have such a quick help here


16-05-16, 14:54
Glad you got sorted. [emoji1360]

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16-05-16, 20:02
Great, I found a windows tool which worked under linux wineYou can also do it with ffmpeg/avconv. Create a *.m1p file and rename it.

It would be useful if you could drop the radio.mvi file into /etc/enigma2 (as you can backdrop.mvi and bootlogo.mvi files). As it is you'll lose it on any fresh flash (so keep a copy).
'I looked at the code once and thought it was looking in the right places, but it isn't - so I must have mis-read, or mis-remembered...

16-05-16, 20:42
Hmmm...the code (in mytest.py) does seem to indicate it should be looking in /etc/enigma2.

And while looking I noticed that there is a reference to:

config.misc.blackradiopic = ConfigText(default = resolveFilename(SCOPE_ACTIVE_SKIN, "black.mvi"))
and that file exists in /usr/share/enigma2, and is a black screen.

16-05-16, 21:10
But, if you just want a blank screen:
Menu -> Setup -> System -> User Interface -> Settings

and set "Show background in Radio mode" to no.

Which (as I dig deeper into the code) actually plays the black.mvi file.

17-05-16, 00:45
OK I missed/ didn't find that one.
So all I had to do was selecting "no" here :-)

Never mind

17-05-16, 01:32
Hmmm...the code (in mytest.py) does seem to indicate it should be looking in /etc/enigma2.And indeed it does - I've just checked it. Someone must have fixed this since I last checked it few months back.

So if you put a radio.mvi file into /etc/enigma2 it will be used as the backdrop for radio playback - unless you switch it off (see #11).
I need to edit my start-up script....

abu baniaz
17-05-16, 04:00
The logic is user versions are in /etc/enigma2, system version of files elsewhere. In this case /usr/share/enigma2

When a file is required, it will check for user's version, if not present it will use the system one.

User's file will not be affected by changes.

Does not make too much sense for black.mvi, but for other files works fine.