View Full Version : How do I find folders on my VU+DUO2

12-05-16, 15:13
I'm very new to this, but I keep reading advice that i need to access certain folders to perform a task. For example, I want to change the channel ordering and the advice says to access the custom.txt file in /AutoBouquets/ folder.

How do I actually do this?

Do I need to connect the box to my MAC? If so, how?

Any advice will be hugely appreciated

12-05-16, 16:11
You would need to use an ftp program like filezilla client.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-05-16, 17:31
sorry - next stupid question: how do i install that?

12-05-16, 17:40
On your Mac or PC.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-05-16, 21:42
Alternatively, set up and run SAMBA on your Duo2:

Menu / Setup / System / Network / Samba Setup

Duo2 should then be visible as a network device on your MAC / PC.