View Full Version : STB Mute button!!!

11-05-16, 13:04

hope you can help.

a few times now, whilst watching a recorded program, and skipping adds by using the 3,6 or 9 button, I've managed to put the STB in MUTE.

then after 5 mins or so, when I accept screaming at the thing wont fix it, I've either had to go to the web admin page via the laptop to unmute it, or power it off at the back of the box.

I'm obsviously hitting a button on the remote somewhere that's doing it, but not sure which one!!! I've tried reading the remote instruction but they just confused me,

is there a way to either;

1/. unmute it from the remote, or
2/. remove the STB remote button functionality altogether?



11-05-16, 19:35
The Vu+ Duo2 has a mute button.

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12-05-16, 08:50
I've had this happen to me a few times but couldn't work out what button presses caused it.

The VU remote's mute button is assigned to the TV (if you program the remote to control your TV) so pressing it doesn't un-mute the VU+Duo2 box - when this happens i just log on to web-if and un-mute from the remote there.

abu baniaz
12-05-16, 08:52
Doesn't Vol + on remote work?

12-05-16, 08:55
if he's programmed his remote to control the TV then Vol + is also mapped to his TV, so it will only increase the volume on the TV

12-05-16, 09:39

all the sound control buttons on the remote are configured to control the telly, so they don't undo the STB muting.

It happened last night, unfortunately I was out and the wife does not know how to connect to the web console.... she had to power the device off at the back and that broke the recording that was happening at the time.... so not so good.

12-05-16, 09:50
Do you have any USB tuners?

12-05-16, 10:41
nope, just the sat tuners on the back.

12-05-16, 11:00
loosing a recording sucks - if she has a smart phone you could install the VU app and if it happens again she can use that to un-mute (doesn't help your lost recording though)

I have had the same issue and I just have normal tuners (inside the box)

12-05-16, 11:05
Are you also using HDMI CEC?

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12-05-16, 12:43
I have Vu+ remotes linked to my tv's and the mute button does exactly that. Pressing mute again or pressing the + volume button unmutes it.

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12-05-16, 12:54
I'm using a Panasonic v10, mute button works on the TV's mute function - if i use webif's remote, the mute button makes a little image of a person talking with a line through, appear on my TV screen and sound is muted.

Maybe it's TV specific?

12-05-16, 16:15
Are you a actually talking about using the panny remote or vu+ remote?

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13-05-16, 12:32
Yep - I'm talking about the VU+ remote

VU+ Remote - makes my TV mute

WebIF Remote - Makes the VU+Duo2 STB Mute

But as the OP said there is a button combination which does make the VU+Duo2 STB mute but I have no idea what it is (my kids are normally the ones who invoke it)

13-05-16, 14:39
It might be the "audio" button being hit - sometimes I find it mutes the sat receiver until you select the soundtrack again. I dont have the remote set up to control the tv (but I dont think that actually matters here)