View Full Version : Bigginers help

11-05-16, 12:31
Afternoon all

first of all hi and what a brilliant site wish I had found this years ago

I have been searching this forum for a while and I have found it really useful.

I am new to all this I am not a total novice and have a little IT background, what I am looking to do is sort out my box its a VU duo 2, I got it from the internet so quite possibly a fake (not that it matters I don't think for my question).

recently it has been freezing and crashing not loads but enough to be a little annoying. what I would like to do is upload the latest version of the VIX software. I have had a look through the download section, I can find the images my questions I recon are very basic and sorry please don't flame me but:

1) are there any special settings I should note down prior to starting a fresh to put back in
2) I would like to also use the sky skin how do I get that to upload.

if there are any novice step by step gides please let me know also what special software will I need


and thanks in advance

11-05-16, 13:08
What image are you using now and it doe's matter if it is a clone it will not load the vix image.

11-05-16, 13:54

thanks for the reply

it must be a real box then as I have VIX on it at the moment

11-05-16, 14:14
Moved to correct section.

11-05-16, 14:43
thank you and sorry it was in the wrong section

11-05-16, 15:16
Ftp into your box and save the .config file(s) for which ever softcam you are using.

Then flash the box with the latest image here: http://www.openvix.co.uk/openvix-builds/Vu+Duo2/openvix-4.1.008.release-vuduo2_usb.zip

To help you get the box set up follow this guide here: http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?39144-VIX-Manual.

Make sure to install the same softcam that was previously on the box, then ftp the .config file(s) back to the box and away you go.

Sounds easy doesn't it? When / If you get stuck come back here with your questions, there will be plenty of people to help.
Before you ask any more questions though, it might be a good idea to reacquaint yourself with the the rules of the forum as there are some things that cannot be discussed here.

Good luck

11-05-16, 16:11
thanks and thanks for the advice about looking at what cant be discussed :thumbsup:

last 2 question about Skins for the box are they loaded into a specific location when you FTP it back to the box? and if I wanted to add a plugin like kodi or some other software do I need to ftp that on or can it be downloaded onto the box once its up and running?

thanks again for all your help

11-05-16, 19:54
Once you get the box up and running, pretty much everything you need in terms of skins and plugins can be downloaded and installed directly from the image feeds.
Menu>Plugins>green button to Download plugins, then help yourself to whatever you need, there are loads to choose from.

12-05-16, 08:54
hi wallnut

thank you very much for your help I am going to have a go at this at the weekend (the fresh image bit) I had a go at the down load of a plugin last night and the box wasn't happy with it at all.

I got an error saying the box wasn't connected to the internet, but I know it is I also did a network test and it also said it was connected ??

can you help at all?

12-05-16, 09:55
My guess would be that you have an older outdated image version running on your box, which no longer has access to the feeds. Menu>information will tell you what your current image version is.

Best to be running an up to date image, to benefit from the latest features.