View Full Version : [VU+ Solo4K] Driver issue with 4.1.008 relating to FBC tuner.

11-05-16, 11:41
There appears to be a driver issue with the latest 008 build on the Solo4k relating to FBC tuners.

If you tune to BBC One HD and reboot the box, then you will get a tune failed before the channel eventually appears on screen. It didn't do that on the 004 build iirc.

Also I noticed I am randomly getting tune failed issues - it's identical to the old driver issue where it failed to keep the root tuner alive.

This bug was discussed on OpenPli by Huevos back at the end February.

Drivers on 008 build are dated 12/04/2016 so I'm wondering if an old bug has been reintroduced?

11-05-16, 13:43
enable the options in the solo4k misc control settings, set both options to YES

11-05-16, 13:49
They are both set to yes.

Is it possible to check they are actually on from a telnet command?

11-05-16, 13:55
i cant remember the commands of which procs to check,

huevos knows.

11-05-16, 15:11
I can also confirm I am getting random tune failed messages. I need to investigate. I will also speak with Rowland about this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-05-16, 15:35
Thanks for confirming! No idea who Rowland is!

11-05-16, 16:33
004 and 008 use the same drivers. I don't see any delay here. And definitely none of the losing lock on recordings problem.

What is your tuner setup?

11-05-16, 18:55
Tuner A,C,D,E,F,G,H all set as Unicable on 28.2deg. Usual config C>A, D>C, E>D etc

Tune B is positioner.

Tone burst and LNB power are on in Solo4k misc plugin.

Nothing different to how I usually have them configured.

11-05-16, 20:46
What LNB have you got. Is it set to fast or reliable.

No problem here btw.

11-05-16, 22:02
I have the Inverto IDLU-32UL40-UNBOO-OPP

It's set to reliable.

11-05-16, 22:13
Mine is set to fast and works fine.

11-05-16, 23:59
I'll try changing it :-)

12-05-16, 13:26
Set it to fast and not noticed any difference.

It's difficult to replicate the random tune failed messages, but it certainly gives a tune failed upon a reboot before finally tuning the channel. (FTA channel)

If you tune BBC One HD and reboot does it show the channel instantly on yours and you don't get a brief tune failed message?

12-05-16, 18:16
No I don't get a tune failure message on restart.

12-05-16, 19:35

Do you know how I can check that the Solo4k misc plugin is doing what it supposed to do?

i.e. how can I check via telnet that LNB power and tone pulse are enabled?

13-05-16, 08:51
I've been doing some testing and everything seems fine for me at the moment.
I have a slight different setup to yours @psykix.
In tuner config setup I have tuner a setup to scr 3, tuner c to scr 1, tuner d scr 2, tuner e scr 4 etc.
Also in Customisation I have set to force to use tuner c.
Something for you to try out if you wanted to copy my setup. [emoji4]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

13-05-16, 11:32
Why have you gone with SCR3 for tuner A?

And what's the reason to force tuner C?

If you tune BBC One HD and reboot, do you get a tune failed briefly before the channel appears?

It never used to do this on build 004, and as far as I am aware I haven't changed my config.

13-05-16, 16:26
I tried changing my settings to the same as yours. I still get a tune failed after a reboot.

I give up worrying about it.

Next time there is a new image, I'll do another clean install and see what's what.