View Full Version : [OS-mini] [Solved] can someone please help me solve my cross epg issue

10-05-16, 18:16
hi all
i'm at the point where i'm thinking of sending my twin tuner edision os mini back, the problem I've had with cross epg has not gone away, the box fails to download epg data at the time I've set to it to download, every morning the box is not showing up to date epg info or cross epg has caused the box to crash causing my hdd to go blank, I've already had a lengthy discussion about this in a separate thread as some here are aware which solved the issue with epg being downloaded on tuner a whilst tuner b was busy but this seems to now be something separate, I've tried everything i can think off but i can't rectify the problem, epg is set to save to hdd, I've tried deleting cross epg completely and installing again, initialising my hdd again and making sure its mounted ext 4 etc.
if i do a manual download of cross epg it works fine so I'm really at a loss to what is wrong, my single tuner os mini which is set up exactly the same works fine with no issues with exactly the same settings.
if someone can please help me try to get this working properly it would be much appreciated as the box has not worked right in the just over a week I've had it, I really don't want to give up on it but at the moment I'm really disappointed I'm just hoping one of you clever lot can help me get to the bottom of this!
I've attached the de-bug log from this morning after the failed cross epg download.
thanks in advance

abu baniaz
10-05-16, 18:29
A crash will not cause the HDD to be wiped. Is it possible that there is something else wrong?

10-05-16, 18:44
It's doesn't actually wipe the hdd it just goes blank with no files on it, when I reboot the receiver everything on the hdd comes back, this is defiantly to do with cross epg, crash log is timed at 5.29.59, 1 second before its set to download.

abu baniaz
10-05-16, 18:46
Have you got another storage device attached, a USB stick perhaps?

10-05-16, 18:48
No none just the hdd.

10-05-16, 18:50
I suggest you do exactly as follows, from your recent posts you have two units. This will not be a hardware issue.

1) Move the single tuner from the current location to the location of the twin tuner.
2) Move the twin tuner to the location of the single tuner > Setup as single tuner for now and test on that feed.
3) USB re-flash the twin tuner and setup as free to air only. Setup complete fresh. Do not install any extra's, not softcams nothing. Use purely as free to air.
4) Ensure you do NOT have ANY port forwarding to ANY receiver.
5) Post your MG_CFG file.

10-05-16, 19:01
Ok I won't be able to do that at the moment as I won't have the time till the weekend as soon as I've completed what you have asked I will post the results.

abu baniaz
10-05-16, 19:05
If you schedule CrossEPG downloader when receiver is awake, do you still have a problem or does it function then?

Do you have any power timers set?

10-05-16, 19:16
no power timers set, i have tried with it with it awake but it done absolutely nothing, in that i mean the download didn't even attempt to take place, i also tried with it in standby to see exactly what happens but again nothing happened, it was like i never even set it to download which i found strange.

here is my mg_cfg file for the time being i will try to get round to the other steps sooner if i can.
# EMM messages
# 00 don't show any EMMs (default)
# 01 show only valid EMMs
# 02 show valid and bad EMMs with complete data display
M: { 01 }

# ECM messages
# 00 don't show anything about ecm
# 01 normal mode, show pids processed, decoded ecm and cw
# 02 verbose mode, show valid and bad ECMs with data
C: { 01 }

# AU
# 00 disable, no emm pids processed
# 01 enable, emm pids always processed for soft-au and shared cards
# 02 auto, emm started only if channel cant be decoded
# 03 process emm pids for network cards update only
A: { 02 }

# key update (sum 01 or 02 with 04)
# 01 update only new keys, default setting
# 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)
# 04 enable TPS au
# + tps SID, which pmt pid contains au pid
U: { 01 } 0x12c0

# config files folder (softcam, autoroll, ignore/priority)
# 00 files in /var/keys
# 01 files in /tmp
T: { 00 }

# network mode, use summ for several clients
# 00 no network (default)
# 01 newcamd netclient
# 02 radegast netclient
# 04 camd3 netclient
# 08 gbox netclient
# 32 cccamd netclient, card list saved as /tmp/cccamd.info
# (ECM only, supported server version up to 2.1.1, later not work)
G: { 01 }

# network retry, use summ for several options
# 00 disable
# 01 retry every new ecm
# 02 try to connect to offline shares every Q: seconds
# 04 try to detect and fast reconnect to lost (and not used atm) server
# + XX messages number and YY seconds to reconnect
# mg will reconnect to server, if no answer to last XX ecm/keepalive or
# if no answer for last ecm or keepalive sent for YY seconds
# set to 0 to disable
N: { 07 } 5 30

# network ecm timeout in seconds
K: { 05 }

# newcamd dead routes connect retry, sec
Q: { 600 }

# network shares priority
# 00 gbox, newcamd, cccamd, radegast, camd3 (default)
# 01 camd3, radegast, cccamd, gbox, newcamd
# 02 cccamd, newcamd, camd3, gbox, radegast
P: { 00 }

# on screen display type
# 00 No OSD (default)
# 01 neutrino
# 02 enigma
# 03 relook
# + user password for http auth
O: { 00 } username password

# on screen display Options, summ of:
# 01 show emu ecm
# 02 show network shares messages
# 04 show decoding failed / fta
# 08 show emm keys update
# + web port to use for osd
S: { 03 } 80

# Log option, summ of:
# 00 off
# 01 network udp log
# 02 log to console
# 04 file, appended ! delete it by yourself, before it eat all your hdd
# + IP udp-port log-file-name
L: { 00 } 28007 /tmp/mgcamd.log

# keep ecm cache, seconds
# every cache entry takes 28 bytes, so 24h cache will take *only* 240-400kb of memory,
# for openbox/elanvision users with remote shares make sense to set it higher than default value,
# to not hammer cards while timeshifting or playing crypted recordings.
E: { 15 }

# cache option, summ of:
# 00 Off (default)
# 01 Ecm pids cache, store pids used to decode in /tmp/ca_cache.list at exit, load at startup, same syntax as restore.list
# 02 Ecm data cache, remember CW for (E:) time
# 04 Emm cache for network cards, do not resend the same emm twice, cache not cleared until restart
H: { 07 }

# reread files, summ of:
# 00 No (default)
# 01 reread config file on channel change (including priority and ignore, but not replace/cache)
# 02 reread SoftCam.Key on channel change
# 04 reread SoftCam.Key if file changed
R: { 00 }

# debug, summ of
# 00 off (default)
# 01 debug ecm
# 02 debug emm
# 04 debug network ecm
# 08 debug network emm
# 16 debug network login
# 32 show mem/cpu stats every 1 min
# 64 add timestamp to log messages
D: { 00 }

# box type
# 00 autodetect, change only if you think wrong type detected.
# 01 dbox2
# 02 dreambox
# 03 triple-dragon
# 04 relook
# 05 openbox
# 06 dreambox/mips
# 08 stapi/kathrein
# 09 stapi/ipbox
# 11 stapi/openbox
B: { 06 }

# map all 180x nagra caids to 1801
# default is 01
F: { 00 }

10-05-16, 19:18
How is the HDD powered?
From your log:

< 39312.786> [eDVBResourceManager] stop release channel timer
< 39312.800> [eEPGCache] Failed to open /media/hdd/epg.dat: Read-only file system
< 39312.800> [eEPGCache] store epg to realpath '/epg.dat'
< 39313.191> [eEPGCache] 146519 events written to /epg.dat

10-05-16, 19:49
Powered by the USB port.

10-05-16, 20:03
Have you a powered HDD you can try? Or another USB powered one?
That one seems to be sleeping.

Also maybe worth changing Hard disk standby after: to No standby in Hard disk setup.

10-05-16, 20:07
Unfortunately I don't judge, i have the hard disk standby time set to 1 minute, I also thought maybe the hdd wasn't waking when cross epg went to download, my second edision in the bedroom has the same settings but downloads fine, also if I set the problem box to record when in standby it records fine and the hdd is woken up by the recording timer.
Is it a good idea to keep the hdd awake all the time? I've always been led to believe it isn't?

10-05-16, 22:47
I've never had to change that setting on any box, so just a suggestion to see if it works for you...
Also maybe worth trying a USB stick for EPG if your HDD isn't waking up.

11-05-16, 06:37
Moved to the correct section, read here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?33154-Method-of-posting-in-ViX-Support-Section!

11-05-16, 06:52
Ok I had some success this morning with judge's suggestion of setting the hdd standby to no standby, cross epg downloaded fine at 5.30am and had not crashed, but a lot of channels hadn't populated up until 5.30am next Wednesday, all the sky branded channels and FTA ones had but channels like bt sports and Sony movies etc hadn't.

11-05-16, 07:39
The mg_cfg file is incorrect. Line L should be
L: { 00 }
L: { 00 } 28007 /tmp/mgcamd.log

11-05-16, 08:24
The mgcamd file is fine - logging is off. The epg data doesnt get updated until around 6 am so dont update till 6.30 or 7am if possible. Some "eco" hard drives take too long to wake up. Hard drives are designed for constant spinning - in fact when the receiver is on it is recording all the time if timeshift is enabled.

11-05-16, 09:43
Sound to me like it is losing the connection to the hard drive try a different usb lead if external and check all connections to it. Try a different hard drive or even a usb stick just to confirm.

11-05-16, 16:47
Thanks for all your suggestions, but I can't stress enough that my other edision set up exactly the same, same brand of hdd and same settings works fine, I checked epg data this morning on the second box and every channel had updated just past 5.30am, so there's defiantly something not quite right still. I'm still not comfortable with the hdd being awake all the time when I'm not using the box and at the moment this is the only thing I found as a workaround.

11-05-16, 16:55
Just another thing I've noticed just now, I've tried to do a manual download of cross epg and it reads 905 channels, but when reading titles it just zips straight past it and straight through the rest of the process and doesn't save or load anything? Make of this what you will, hopefully I can't find a solution before the weekend if not I will do what Sicilian said on Saturday or Sunday and report back.
Thanks again for everyone's help.

11-05-16, 17:04
Sorry but another thing I've noticed is when I check signal on tuner b it's gives me a reading of 80/100% snr and agc and locked and then completely drops out and un-locks, I've swapped cables in the back and the one that works fine on tuner a will do exactly the same on tuner b, I'm starting to think that I may have an issue with the tuner on this edision, whether it be faulty or a bug in openvix.
If I tune to tuner b to watch something or record I'm not getting any tune failed errors and it seems to work fine.

abu baniaz
11-05-16, 17:04
We have isolated the issue to the HDD not waking up in time. This is why it is disappearing until a restart. Are you able to connect a USB stick and use that for testing purposes?

11-05-16, 17:09
I've found that cross epg is using tuner b to download, so that explains why it wasn't reading titles, when I checked it and it dropped I went back to tuner a and then back to tuner b in signal finder and it didn't drop again, I then downloaded epg again on tuner b and it worked first time, if anything it's like tuner b goes to sleep and needs waking up!

11-05-16, 17:15
Does the single tuner have a USB stick or HDD connected?

11-05-16, 17:18
Hdd exactly the same as the one as I use with the dual tuner.

11-05-16, 17:34
I'm going to run a test tonight I've set preferred tuner to B and my hdd standby time back to 1 minute, the download should take place on tuner A and if it completes successfully then I think it will then confirm an issue with tuner B even though I can watch and record on it with no issues.

abu baniaz
11-05-16, 17:51
I'm going to run a test tonight I've set preferred tuner to B and my hdd standby time back to 1 minute, the download should take place on tuner A and if it completes successfully then I think it will then confirm an issue with tuner B even though I can watch and record on it with no issues.

Cross EPG downloader does not work that way It will use the last qualifying and free tuner. It won't take your preferences into account because tuner B will be free. Same applies for ABM. The only way you can do it is to disable Tuner B.

11-05-16, 18:01
Ok I will disable tuner b before bed and see what happens.

11-05-16, 18:05
Hdd exactly the same as the one as I use with the dual tuner.

Swap the HDD with other receiver.

Also which exact make and model?

11-05-16, 18:21
Seagate 500gb, If it fails again tomorrow morning with the test I run then I will try swapping the hdd's tomorrow and report back.

11-05-16, 18:55
Just found this in the crash log and it says something about tuner lock.
r5/git/src/enigma2/python/crossepg_downloader.py", line 296, in checkTunerLock
< 44200.711> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getFrontendStatus'
< 44200.711> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method CrossEPG_Downloader.checkTunerLock of <class 'Plugins.SystemPlugins.CrossEPG.crossepg_downloade r.CrossEPG_Downloader'>>,()) failed)

11-05-16, 18:57
Thanks for all your suggestions, but I can't stress enough that my other edision set up exactly the same, same brand of hdd and same settings works fine, I checked epg data this morning on the second box and every channel had updated just past 5.30am, so there's defiantly something not quite right still. I'm still not comfortable with the hdd being awake all the time when I'm not using the box and at the moment this is the only thing I found as a workaround.

Do an image backup of the other receiver, ftp over to your troubled receiver and restore via image manager. Then just tweak the tuner config setup n see what happens.

11-05-16, 19:19
Just found this in the crash log and it says something about tuner lock.
r5/git/src/enigma2/python/crossepg_downloader.py", line 296, in checkTunerLock
< 44200.711> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getFrontendStatus'
< 44200.711> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method CrossEPG_Downloader.checkTunerLock of <class 'Plugins.SystemPlugins.CrossEPG.crossepg_downloade r.CrossEPG_Downloader'>>,()) failed)

If you want me to be honest, I think you got an issue with either your HDD or communal feeds.

If the unit had tuner issues, it would not scan all channels like the results in your other thread.

If its an issue with communal feeds you'll same issue with any twin tuner receiver.

11-05-16, 19:46
I've only had this issue since swapping to the edision which to me seems a bit of a coincidence, my previous twin tuner receiver worked fine right up until I swapped to the edision with no issues as did my sky + box before that, if it was a issue with the feed going to tuner b then surely when I swapped the cable to tuner a I would then get the issue as well on tuner a but I don't? Also when putting the 'working' feed from tuner a to tuner b I still get the problem? Personally I think it's either a issue with my hdd like you said or there is a issue with tuner b in the hardware.

11-05-16, 19:48
or there is a issue with tuner b in the hardware.

Very doubtful, from my experience tuners will either work or not. From your posts the tuner has no issues doing a full scan.

11-05-16, 19:48
I've already tried that Andy but made no difference.

11-05-16, 19:50
Try my idea in post #33 if not already done so previously.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-05-16, 19:52
Ok so if I can watch channels, record channels, scan channels all fine on tuner b then I can't understand why the only thing not to work is cross epg? Surely if it was a problem with the communal feeds then all the above would be affected?
When I mentioned that when doing a signal check tuner b seemed to just suddenly drop out, if I exit that menu and then tune to a channel on tuner b it works fine surely I would get a tune failed error if the feed had really dropped out?

11-05-16, 19:54
Sorry my post to Abu was meant for you Andy I've corrected it now.

11-05-16, 20:00
It would also be very helpful if anyone here also using a edision os mini twin tuner on vix 4.1 008 could confirm there having no problems that would rule a lot of things out.

11-05-16, 20:03
It would also be very helpful if anyone here also using a edision os mini twin tuner on vix 4.1 008 could confirm there having no problems that would rule a lot of things out.

Your the only one posting with an issue and only person using your HDD & feeds.

Contact WoS, let them inspect and test your unit.

11-05-16, 20:12
I think i may just do that Sicilian after I've swapped and tested the hdd's , I really don't think it's an issue with my communal feeds I'm sure by swapping the cables round and getting the same results confirms this.
Just to clarify can someone confirm if my tuners are set up correctly.

Config mode simple
Mode single
Satellite Astra 28.2e 2e/2f/2g
Send diseqc no.

11-05-16, 20:17
Another thing I've noticed is tuner b gives exactly the same reading of 99% snr and 91% agc on every channel, that doesn't seem right to me.

Sorry ignore this post

11-05-16, 20:21
Another thing I've noticed is tuner b gives exactly the same reading of 99% snr and 91% agc on every channel, that doesn't seem right to me.

Sorry ignore this post

I'm still yet to find any receiver that gives correct readings in this area.

abu baniaz
11-05-16, 20:38
The variables at the moment are as follows:
Signal issues
Tuner faulty
HDD not waking up

Your tests must be systematic. This is somewhat difficult when trying to use the receiver and also accepting different suggestions (all valid, and shows how good it is to have different perspectives). Sky receivers work differently, and they also can see the EPG data natively, unlike E2. Concluding that it worked fine on one and it should do the same on the other when the software is different, may not be a safe conclusion.

The tests have been suggested to you. So please decide in what order you want to do them.

As with others commenting in the thread, my suspicion is HDD not waking up consistently, hence the suggestions to test with receiver awake, swap HDDs and use USB stick instead. If you want to test the HDD/USB swaps that is up to you (I'd recommend disconnecting the HDD and use a USB flash drive during testing phase). Otherwise pick up the phone tomoroow and give WoS a bell or jot them an email.

You've been very patient whilst testing things, a lot more than others would be. We've discovered and fixed bugs in ABM and CrossEpg downloader owing to your situation.

WOS are very good at customer service. You can speak to them and no doubt they will test the receiver for you. There may or may not be an issue with the receiver, but I'm confident they will look after you. If theer is no issue with the receiver, you will be back to square one if/when you get another receiver.

11-05-16, 20:55
Thank you abu I really do appreciate all the help and support given to me, I don't want to seem like I'm being a pain in the backside but it's a new receiver that I just want to work and since taking it out the box I've had this issue so please understand why I'm being a bit persistant.
My previous box and I know it is not a liked receiver on this forum was a zgemma using a patched version of vix, it was my first step into enigma 2 and used it as a base to get to know and gain knowledge of enigma 2, I migrated to the edision as after trying other images vix is my image of choice and wanted a better receiver with official vix support, and although people here may not like what I'm about to say in the 8 months I owned a zgemma star 2s and a h2s I never once had any problems, by all means tell me to go back to a zgemma if I don't like what I've got now but I really like vix as an image and don't want to be running patched versions.
I will try swapping the hdd's tomorrow after I've ran my test disabling tuner b tonight, after that I will try using a usb and if all that fails I will try what Sicilian suggested over the weekend.
If the issue persists then I'll contact WOS to test the box hopefully that will be the last resort but if needs must to eventually put my mind at rest then so be it.

11-05-16, 21:06
We've tested that an unpowered USB enclosure does spin up again after spending time in standby. If yours doesn't it is most likely a fault with the controller in the enclosure.

11-05-16, 21:11
Thanks huevos what I don't understand though is the hdd is woken when I set a recording, would a recording with the box is in standby wake the hdd the same way as cross epg would?

11-05-16, 21:26
One of the strange things during this testing is when I tried manually downloading cross epg on tuner b it would read 905 channels but wouldn't read the titles or parsing, it zips past both an save's and loads but the epg was still not up to date, when I go into signal finder and check tuner b the signal would be there and then drop out, i would then go back and check tuner a and then back to b and it doesn't drop again after that, I would then run cross epg on tuner b again and it would work correctly?

11-05-16, 21:35
It is nothing to do with tuners. Your log clearly shows the receiver is unable to access the HDD.

11-05-16, 21:38
Thank you for that huevos that gives me some hope that all it is is a hdd issue which will be a lot easier for me to rectify.

12-05-16, 06:52
So I've checked this morning after running a test disabling tuner B so the download took place on tuner A and guess what? For the first time since I've owned the box cross epg downloaded 100% fine when set to automatically. I'm going to run some more tuner tests after work but I'm really starting to think the culprit is tuner B.

12-05-16, 06:57
So I've checked this morning after running a test disabling tuner B so the download took place on tuner A and guess what? For the first time since I've owned the box cross epg downloaded 100% fine when set to automatically. I'm going to run some more tuner tests after work but I'm really starting to think the culprit is tuner B.

Disable Tuner A and use Tuner B, run the same again today. Don't change anything else.

12-05-16, 06:59
I will try this this evening a report back.

12-05-16, 08:29
I will try this this evening a report back.Please post a debug log along with the reply to every test you do. Without this getting to the bottom of your problem will be impossible.

12-05-16, 18:32
Right I have an update and this has now got really strange, I've ran tests on tuner a and b and with both tuners configured with the box in standby and awake, I've also ran the tests with the hdd asleep and awake and every single time cross epg kicked in to download automatically it worked and not once did it fail! I've also ran cross epg manually on both tuners and again no problems, I watched to see what happend when the box was in standby and the hdd was asleep and each and every time the hdd woke and everything worked.
This has now really baffled me it's gone from not working everyday to all of a sudden working, only thing I did is delete the data from the epg.dat file so could it of been the file was previously corrupted? Could it of been changing the standby time to no standby yesterday and leaving it and then switching back to 1 minute has fixed the issue with the hdd? Could it be the box don't like the time I have cross epg set to download even though my single tuner downloads fine at this time? I'm really starting to just clutch at straws now but as it stands right now everything seems to be ok, I'll return the box to all my normal settings and see if it works when it downloads at 5.30am, if it don't then I'm really unsure what to do next!

12-05-16, 18:52
Can anyone recommend a time to set abm and cross epg to download?

abu baniaz
12-05-16, 19:01
A time that suits you. Not concurrently with any other process. We used to have it at 15:15 as that was school run time.

Official Sky receivers go to deep sleep until 06:00. The myth about doing it at 04:30 should stop being perpetuated.

12-05-16, 19:46
ok spoke to soon just done a manual download with cross epg and it failed, i went to check signal on tuner b and it dropped, i then went back to tuner a and back to b and it stayed locked, i then tried cross epg again on tuner b and it worked, its like tuner b goes to sleep and needs waking up.
I've attached the de-bug log.

12-05-16, 20:08
Disable Tuner A and use Tuner B, run the same again today. Don't change anything else.

Can you do this test please as asked by Sicilian?

12-05-16, 20:21
I've tried that as mentioned in post #57 Andy.

12-05-16, 20:25
Okie my apologies, I read it as if you tested both a n b at the same time.
As a rule I have ABM to run first, then CrossEPG to run 15 mins after. Hope this helps.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-05-16, 20:30
No worries maybe I didn't come across clearly my apologies, I have it set the same but abm e2 to scan at 5.00 am and I've now changed cross epg to download at 6.00am.

14-05-16, 08:52
Box had crashed when i checked this morning again logs are created at the cross epg download time, yesterday box had downloaded epg fine.
I've attached the logs from this morning if someone could please help me try to pinpoint the issue before i start swapping boxes round and disrupting the household viewing over the weekend that would be great.

14-05-16, 08:53
Boo. You deserve a medal after this Gooner! ;)

Sent from my VF695 using Tapatalk

14-05-16, 08:57
Boo. You deserve a medal after this Gooner! ;)

Sent from my VF695 using Tapatalk

Mate it's driving me crazy!

14-05-16, 10:08
Anyone around to take a look at the logs please?

14-05-16, 10:28
Your not having much luck No 1gooner, and it seems that you have picked a day when there are no moderators about or even a boss man.

14-05-16, 10:30
No mate it's literally the only time I get to spend some proper time trying to sort this out, if I can get away with swapping boxes around I will but if I have to then so be it, it's literally driving me mad!

14-05-16, 11:36
before I swap boxes round, I've ran tests again with both tuners configured, tuner a disabled, tuner b disabled, box in standby with hdd asleep, box awake with hdd awake, and I cannot replicate this problem it works every single time! Just seems to happen at the 5.30/6am download time I have set.

14-05-16, 16:10
so is anyone willing to look into these logs for me or not?!?

abu baniaz
14-05-16, 16:13
so is anyone willing to look into these logs for me or not?!?

what do you mean?

14-05-16, 16:18
The logs posted in post #65

abu baniaz
14-05-16, 16:26
it failed at check tuner lock stage

14-05-16, 16:32
If I'm coming across a bit arsey then please excuse me but I've become extremely frustrated with this, it's been going on for over two weeks and I'm still no closer to getting to the bottom of this, test after test, swapping this round swapping that round and doing everything asked of me and still I have no definitive answer, swapping boxes round was a waste of time as I can't seem to replicate the issue it just seems to work when I'm actually running tests, swapping hdd's again work as they should when running tests, It just feels like I'm doing all the leg work here and I post logs like I've been asked to and get no response.

14-05-16, 16:33
Ok so what would be the cause of that Abu?

abu baniaz
14-05-16, 16:36
Not sure. Await others' response or contact the retailer.

14-05-16, 17:31
I've come to the conclusion that tuner b is faulty, when I check the signal on tuner b it keeps dropping out when not in use although it's fine when I watch something, if I put the 'working' cable from tuner a into tuner b it still has the problem and if I put the 'non working' cable from tuner b into tuner a it works fine which to me indicates there's nothing wrong with the dish, lnb or cabling.
I've contacted WOS and am going to send the box back for them to take a look at.

14-05-16, 17:36
Ok so what would be the cause of that Abu?Please post the debug log that corresponds with the crash. The debug log posted in #65 is the wrong one.

The creation date of the debug log must be before the crash, not after it.

14-05-16, 17:44
There wasn't one created before the crash, the debug log created is roughy 24 seconds after the crash That is the only one that seems to correspond with the crash.

14-05-16, 17:58
A debug log created after an event has happened does not correspond with the event. It has to be the debug log running at the time the event happened, i.e. the date/time of the debug log must be earlier than the crash log.

14-05-16, 18:33
one wasn't created if it was I would post it, I'm not disagreeing with you as you know more then me but 19 seconds after the crash log was created do you not think that is not a coincidence? The de-bug log is timed at 6.00.21am and I have cross epg set to download at 6.00am so the event times look to me to match.

14-05-16, 18:52
No it is not a coincidence. A debug log is creaed on a GUI restart.

14-05-16, 19:07
ok please excuse me if this is a silly question but you say a de-bug log is created by a GUI restart so if the crash is causing the box to restart then I don't quite understand how the de-bug log can be created before the crash? So if the box is crashing and causing it to restart is that not the reason for the de-bug log being created?

abu baniaz
14-05-16, 19:16
Say for example, you start (from cold) you receiver at 13:00. The debug log will have the date and 13:00 time.
[If it has not got internet access to obtain time, the debug log will have a date of 1970. During the bootup process, it will get the time when it tunes to a channel.]

Say at 14:00, you install something and restart . It will create another debug log with the 14:00 stamp.

If at 14:34, it crashes.
It will finalise the 14:00 debug log if it can.
It will generate the crash log
It will restart. As part of the restart process, it will create another debug log. Most probably 14:35.

The debug log at 14:00 will contain details of events leading up to the crash.
The debug log at 14:35 is after the crash so will not have any details relevant to the crash.

14-05-16, 19:22
Thanks abu for clearing that up but like I say there is no de-bug log before the crash so I'm unable to provide it, I'm making arrangements for the box to go back to WOS as I think tuner b is faulty after test after test this is the only thing I actually see a problem with, after 9 pages of this thread I'm still no closer to solving this with everyone's help so will see what happens when the box is tested by WOS and go from there

14-05-16, 19:24
The whole point of a debug log is that it is running all the time to catch things that don't lead to a crash. A new one is created every time the GUI starts.

15-05-16, 07:33
its not your box its a issue with the plugin mine is the same have to turn box off and do manually

15-05-16, 07:50
Can you be a bit more specific about your issue please nuttytony? are you using an edision?

15-05-16, 08:24
Well woke up this morning to what looked like a working box, cross epg had downloaded fine, checked my recordings and hdd was blank and had to reboot to bring it back, once rebooted the box had lost the epg data from the 6am download, checked signal on tuner b and dropped straight away, came out of signal finder and went back and checked it 3 times and it doesn't drop again.
WOS have replied and have given me instructions to send back, if anyone can come up with a solution today so I don't have to send back it would be greatly appreciated.

although the box hadn't crashed I've attached the debug log.

15-05-16, 09:52
I haven't read the whole of this thread (just a quick scan) but looking at the last debug log you just attached, it's looking like it's HDD related.

Two things to point out here...

< 54682.839> [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift /media/hdd/timeshift// statfs failed: No such file or directory
< 54683.458> [eEPGCache] Failed to open /media/hdd/epg.dat: Read-only file system

I'm assuming you've already done a fresh usb install and re-initialised your HDD (this will format/erase everything on it)?

UPDATE: I read you have a USB HDD attached. Is there anyway you can have this powered externally rather than via USB port? Apologies if this has been mentioned and/or tried!

15-05-16, 09:58
Looks like 2 issues in this thread.
USB powered HDD not waking up on time - use a powered USB drive or USB stick.

Tuner B signal loss - broken bit of wire stuck in tuner b?

15-05-16, 11:29
Yes I've tried erasing the hdd and no difference, unfortunately I haven't got a powered hdd, with tuner b there is nothing stuck in there I can see and nothing broken off the cable so I'm thinking its a dodgy tuner in the box which I'm hoping WOS will confirm. In regards to the hdd do you think it's knackered? I use the same hdd in my edision with no issues.

15-05-16, 11:44
A dodgy tuner wouldn't stop the HDD spinning up.

15-05-16, 12:16
You can check hdd by using the "filesystem check" menu option within Storage devices.

You need to ensure timeshift isn't enabled (if you have it enabled then disable it and restart box and check).

PS: Have you tried a USB stick initialised via menus for storing epg on to see if problems stop then (ensure HDD is removed).

15-05-16, 12:31
You definitely have a problem with the HDD. Buy/borrow/steal a usb stick (doesnt need to be big). There is no point paying to send a box back only to find the problem is at your end. Only when the HDD problems are sorted can you claim there is an issue with the tuner. You have been at this for a few days now and have not varied the hardware setup to eliminate these problems. I know it can be frustrating but you really need to carry out all the things you have been asked to do. The debug logs give the biggest clue - if the HDD is not found it doesn't matter whether tuner a/b is working or not - the epg download will fail. You could try the rytec importer which doesnt use a tuner and that would fail too.

15-05-16, 12:42
Yes I've tried erasing the hdd and no difference, unfortunately I haven't got a powered hdd, with tuner b there is nothing stuck in there I can see and nothing broken off the cable so I'm thinking its a dodgy tuner in the box which I'm hoping WOS will confirm. In regards to the hdd do you think it's knackered? I use the same hdd in my edision with no issues.

Send your HDD to WoS so they can test with that too.

15-05-16, 13:33
i will try with a USB stick tonight but am still sending the box back as I'm sure there is an issue with tuner b thanks for all your help it's much appreciated.

15-05-16, 13:46
Don't forget to send your HDD with the receiver too, so WoS can test that.
On a personal note, this is why I always buy receivers that can accommodate internal HDDs, external HDDs are more hassle than they are worth. I would also try the USB stick option to store your EPG data for testing tonight.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

15-05-16, 16:27
Ok will send the hdd with the box hopefully there will be a end to this soon lol

16-05-16, 07:53
What was the verdict this morning with only the usb stick attached?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

17-05-16, 19:09
i tried the usb and it seemed OK, but then again my hdd seemed to wake each and every time when I was testing cross epg to download automatically, the problem only seemed to occur at the time when I have the epg set to download but a couple of times seemed to work ok so don't know if it was just having a good day with the morning download on the usb, I packaged the box up with my hdd and sent back to WOS yesterday so hopefully I should have a positive update soon when it returns.

23-05-16, 18:41
Just want to say a big thank you to WOS and the forum members that helped me diagnose the issue I was having, after sending the box and my HDD back to WOS it was confirmed the issue was with my HDD, WOS supplied me with a new HDD and the box has been up and running for 2 days with no issues, it's now working perfectly!:thumbsup:

23-05-16, 19:09
Good stuff. Glad you're sorted.

23-05-16, 21:02
I posted this on 11/05:

"Sound to me like it is losing the connection to the hard drive try a different usb lead if external and check all connections to it. Try a different hard drive or even a usb stick just to confirm."

That would have saved you sending the box back!

24-05-16, 07:07
Yes you was correct in your comment but there's no need with the 'I told you so' comment I posted to thank for everyone's help, if you read the thread in its entirety then I also wanted to see if I had a tuner fault (which is turns out I haven't) so sending the box back which I might add was paid for by WOS was nessasary to determine the fault and rule out one or the other, it didn't hurt to get that second opinion with someone else actually testing the box.

24-05-16, 19:05
Solved and closed :):thumbsup: