View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] 4.1 008 update

08-05-16, 12:44
when I check for updates it shows I update package available but when I try and view the changes my box crash's and restarts


08-05-16, 13:59
Not the cause of your problem, but I'll just note that this line looks odd:

< 425.393> RELEASEVER: ['[hotplug-e2-helper]', 'Stop', 'creating', 'empty', 'directory', '/autofs', 'This', 'helper', 'stopped', 'using', 'it', 'long', 'ago', '(', 'https://github.com/OpenPLi/hotplug-e2-helper/commit/02e6879ffcf2a0aa9c83b355b52108f1e5f4f56c', ').', 'The', 'empty', 'directory', 'is', 'nothing', 'but', 'confusing,', 'as', 'the', 'proper', 'autofs', 'directory', 'is', '/media/autofs.']

08-05-16, 14:17
mines doing the same when trying to update to 008 from 004

08-05-16, 14:30
Yes. Happened to me with todays update so I just updated without viewing changes and everything went fine.

abu baniaz
08-05-16, 14:40
We are working on it.

Just update without checking the logs.

08-05-16, 15:05
ok but i did not try & check the logs just so you know

abu baniaz
08-05-16, 15:12
Download, unzip/unrar and transfer to the location mentioned below. Restart and then try again

08-05-16, 15:48
done that & it still dont work

abu baniaz
08-05-16, 16:09
done that & it still dont work
Can you upload your crash log please?

08-05-16, 17:00
I'm at work now I can soon as I get home

08-05-16, 18:49
got my crash log

abu baniaz
08-05-16, 19:20
There are two files you will need. These were added after 004 and it looks like box wont boot process it. I'd upload copies, but box branding will make your box appear as my models


Best to wait until next public build and flash again.

08-05-16, 19:40
ok thanks if i was to update by usb would that fix it

abu baniaz
08-05-16, 19:49
You can flash to 008 without a problem. That is not an update though.
Make as settings backup before you flash the newer image, you can then restore settings and plugins.

08-05-16, 19:52
Ok I'll don't that then & thanks for your help with this

08-05-16, 19:53
I've stopped doing updates and simply do a couch flash with a settings restore where allowed. I've found that it takes roughly the same amount of time.

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