View Full Version : How do I realign my Satellite Dish?

08-05-16, 01:04
On rare occasions maybe once per year the disc goes out of alignment due to wind or something. I know this because when I save a video in VideoRedo it will say x amount of frames removed. I look at the log of the times where the frames were removed and I can see that frames were dropped as the video skips at that time. This is caused by the dish going out of alignment.

Unfortunately it looks like the dish is out of alignment again as I'm getting weird artifacts a couple of times in ITV shows but no frames are dropped so there were no time frames to look for in the log. But I noticed the artifact visually.

So I'd like to learn how to fix the alignment myself. How do I do this and what tools on Amazon should I buy?

08-05-16, 10:06
Motorised or fixed?

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

08-05-16, 18:26
It's a fixed dish.

abu baniaz
08-05-16, 18:35
1. Sky minidish or other type?
2. Is dish accessible form flat platform or you have to use a ladder?
3. Can you see TV from where dish is?
4. Do you have an android phone?
5. Do you get wifi reception where dish is?

08-05-16, 18:47
1. Sky Zone 2 Minidish I think
2. I have to use a ladder.
3. Yes I have been watching TV from the dish fine for several months
4. Yes I have an android phone but it's a crappy phone that I never use. I can use it if I have to.
5. I've never tried to get a Wi-Fi reception outside my house so I don't know.

abu baniaz
08-05-16, 19:03
3. I had asked if you can see the TV from where the dish is. I presume your answer is yes. This now eliminates the need for phone and wifi.

6. Get a marker and mark on the dish so that should thing go awry, you know where to return to
7. Set up the menu on your TV so that you are looking at Signal finder
Menu > Setup > Service Searching > Signal Finder

There are five adjustments you can make. up, down, left, right, and lnb skew.

Do not undo/loosen any nuts at this stage

8A. Press on top of dish, does signal increase or decrease?
8B. Press on bottom of dish, does signal increase or decrease?
8C. Press on right of dish, does signal increase or decrease?
8D. Press on left of dish, does signal increase or decrease?
8E. Loosen the screw holding LNB in place, rotate LNB. Do you get any increase?

Your answers to 8A-8D will establish which way/s you need to move dish. Slacken the nuts and gently press on teh edge/s that increased your signal quality. Once you have your maximum strength, tighten up.


08-05-16, 19:59
Thanks. What tool to I need for the nuts? Do I need a signal meter?

When you say does the signal increase, what should I be looking for on the "Menu > Setup > Service Searching > Signal Finder" page to determine that?

08-05-16, 20:23
Answer 1 . Its called a spanner.
Answer 2 . You will see the % bars go up or down. You need them as near to 100% as you can get.

abu baniaz
08-05-16, 20:27
10mm spanner for the nuts
Phillips screwdriver for the LNB screw

You said you can see the TV from where the dish is. No need for a meter, it will just be repeating what you can see on the signal finder screen. You can install Dreamdroid on your phone. There is a signal meter applet within it

08-05-16, 20:36
see the video on


Instead of the meter they show you could use the box's signal strength display on your TV and/or an App on a smart phone that can display the signal strength from the box.

Its worth mentioning that in the UK you don't get your signals from one satellite but a cluster of satellites. If your alignment is slightly out you may get a marginal signal from one of the satellites. Also consider as you tighten the bolts the dish may move.

09-05-16, 00:53
see the video on


Instead of the meter they show you could use the box's signal strength display on your TV and/or an App on a smart phone that can display the signal strength from the box.

Its worth mentioning that in the UK you don't get your signals from one satellite but a cluster of satellites. If your alignment is slightly out you may get a marginal signal from one of the satellites. Also consider as you tighten the bolts the dish may move.

There's no video showing the strength display on a TV or app. Do you have a link to such a video please.

So I need a 10mm spanner for the nuts. Should it be hexagonal shaped?
Phillips screwdriver for the LNB screw. Normal or cross shaped?

09-05-16, 01:18
If the wind is blowing your dish, the chances are you can thumb it back in place.
When doing that, check what nuts need to be tightened & use suitable spanner.