View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] picons problem

07-05-16, 21:44
i have formated usb stick to fat 32,put it in back of vu mounted it,i then created a picon folder in media usb and ftp the picons and restarted gui,the problem is the picons is only in my favourites bouquet,they are not showing in sports,movies, kids etc.if i go into all channels the picons are there for all channels.i am using autobouquets e28.2e.anyone any ideas...thanks

abu baniaz
07-05-16, 21:52
I'm guessing you are using the numbers option. Simplest option is to disable the numbers.

You can use the numbres, but you will have to use use a storage device using a linux file system for the picons.

07-05-16, 21:59
sorry where do i disable the numbers

abu baniaz
07-05-16, 22:04
If you post a screenshot of your setting page for AB 28.2, I'll show you if you cannot see it.

Guide to screenshots

07-05-16, 22:11
i think i got it,is it add ch.number to name change to no do i rescan then

abu baniaz
07-05-16, 22:16
Once you change an option, you need to rerun so that updated options are used.

07-05-16, 22:19
sound job rescaned and they are there now,thanks