View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] No Option to mount internal HDD

05-05-16, 20:42
Hi all.

In my set on menu instructions I do not have to storage device option as below from my duo

Menu -> Setup -> System -> Storage devices ->

and cant seem to mount or see the drive

even if i go to Vix-> mount manger it shows nothing.

any help appreciated, I got this unit 2nd hand and the sata cable that fits into the HDD is cut into 2 one for the smaller set of pins and one for the larger set. would this effect anything?


05-05-16, 21:09
If the HDD isn't installed properly, the storage devices will not show, so a problem your end. You will need to check all cabling to HDD etc.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-05-16, 21:11
The HDD itself is spinning as I can feel it. it also only has 3 of the rubber mounts

05-05-16, 22:38
So the Storage option under

Menu -> Setup -> System -> Storage devices ->

will only show if there is one to see?

06-05-16, 03:06
My Duo has these options

Menu -> Setup -> System -> Storage devices ->

Solo2 only has

Menu -> Setup -> System

it skips the storage device option altogether

06-05-16, 05:59
Your box is not recognising your hard drive. The HDD is either kaput or its not wired/connected correctly.

06-05-16, 07:12
Any helpful ideas how to check the wiring

06-05-16, 07:21

for what ever reason previous owner has cut the HDD end no doubt i will need a new one , but who has them?


06-05-16, 08:05
You can buy the sata n power cables from pc world, maplins etc.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-05-16, 08:15
Thanks Andy , i appreciate your help, but am in the Southern hemisphere, would u have a link at all?
or will any cable work?

also back to my previous comment about Menu -> Setup -> System -> Storage devices ->
the 'storage device folder' is not shown, will it only show if a HDD is attached it is just not there at all


06-05-16, 08:19
Yes. It will only show if the Hdd is connected correctly.

06-05-16, 08:20
You can buy these cables online or any computer shop.

06-05-16, 08:20
Thanks Andy , i appreciate your help, but am in the Southern hemisphere, would u have a link at all?
or will any cable work?

also back to my previous comment about Menu -> Setup -> System -> Storage devices ->
the 'storage device folder' is not shown, will it only show if a HDD is attached it is just not there at all


Hi, Yeah will show when the correct cabling is attached to the HDD. Where are you from and I'll see if there are any local places for ya. [emoji4]

06-05-16, 08:31
Thanks from New Zealand, so its just a generic cable,
So if no hard drive is conneted at all you will see no folder, at all as opposed to not seeing something in the folder

07-05-16, 03:27
Any local computer store or on line from the likes of jaycar, pbtech, computer lounge etc.

07-05-16, 06:33
Hi, I brought a sata cable today but still the HDD is not being reconised, same power cable as i can heard the HDD power up
48046 this picture is the options on my Solo2 system menu
48045 This is one from my duo running 4.1 004 as you can see they are different and the solo has no option for storage devices

07-05-16, 06:43
Just because the HDD is powering up doesn't mean it is initialising, I would be checking the integrity of this drive, maybe try another drive or connect to a PC and try to analyse it.
If you hear a clicking noise when it spins up drive could be goosed.

07-05-16, 07:08
Thanks that was my next step to check drive, still perplexed about difference in menu settings though
If drive is OK. What could be the next thing into try?

07-05-16, 07:30
Sorry miss read post ignore the picture

07-05-16, 07:56
I have placed the 2.5 into my duo and I can see it under the sub menu of storages device unlike the menu for the solo so I am initalising now after this will try the mount to see what happens. And try back in solo So this points more to lack of the Storage file folder in solo more than anything else

In the duo after initialisation it recognised it and started a recording I had booked on the duo, will wait and then try back in the solo when recording is finished

07-05-16, 09:13
OK. Recorded programs on duo and put drive back into solo, still not recognised at all, so only thing I have not changed is the power cable to the drive, will also try the data cable from duo as I know it works there if not power or cables it must. The board -(

Well even the cut data cable works in the older duo, so that rules that out altogether, so now either power cable or the board, as power cable for the drives are different I will need to look more into that, any ideas on how to test the board or get the storage sub folder back? Can I upgrade from ver 4 003 to 4.1 008 and save my settings from the network???

07-05-16, 10:14
Ok, did an update to 4.1 and still no "Storage file" option under the system menu. as per the earlier picture, is there anyway to add one?

07-05-16, 10:22
As previous posts. Storage option will only show if a fully attached HDD is correctly connected. Have you tried inserting a USB flash drive and see if this menu appears.

07-05-16, 10:42
I tried a external HDD and the folder now shows up, thanks for helping me understand better,
however as I know the sata cable and HDD are ok
its either the power cable to drive which is spinning or the board itslef,

07-05-16, 10:50
Yes. Thats why I ask you to try a USB drive and it will show this menu.

07-05-16, 10:52
By the sound of it the Sata controller in the Solo2 is faulty.

07-05-16, 21:34
What would be a way to test the sata controller with limited skill and equipment?
what is a suitable replacement if one can be replaced?

08-05-16, 08:56
Plug in the working hard drive from the duo and restart. If that doesn't work the Solo2 is most likely knackered.

08-05-16, 22:20
did that , and still everything but the ability to mount an internal HDD is working, it will see external ones alright

08-05-16, 22:47
Sounds like you got sold a broken box.

09-05-16, 09:46
I've been having the same problem with my new Xtrend 8000. Have tried a working hard drive from my VU but nothing shows. I have been sending back and forth to WoS (who have been great so far) in the hope of sorting this issue out. I appreciate you living in New Zealand this is not an option (or at least one that costs a fortune) but what I have found out from my "Storage Devices" not showing is that there is no power getting to the hard drive, hence why it is not showing. A little baffled to hear you say you can hear it spinning though. Just wanted to share my experience with you and fingers crossed you get the problem sorted. I am just awaiting a reply from WoS this week in the hope my issue has been resolved. If it does I will relay the feedback in the hope it may help you out. Good luck mate.

09-05-16, 22:31
Update, well sort of,
I have made contact with supplier in NZ outlining issues, as had the previous owner to them, so waiting to see what they have to say,
thanks for the Info Nattras
So just waiting to hear back, but not holding my breath so to speak, as previous owner had a trail of e-mails he send me as well
Hell if i can send to them and they can rectify I'll be happy with that, the only issues is cant mount the internal HDD
rest works fine

01-06-16, 09:44
Update, after a few emails and a phone call I was sent a replacement box after being told it has never happened before

New box arrived, put HDD in was recognised str8 away even had the old programs I recorded when trying it in the duo
So everything is all good in the hood now,
Just a shame that New Zealand FTA we can't use the hbbtv app here because vu isn't an 'approved' stb

Rob van der Does
01-06-16, 10:06
Just a shame that New Zealand FTA we can't use the hbbtv app here because vu isn't an 'approved' stb
That probably means that your provider doesn't stick to the HbbTV standards.
Or if they do (how do we know that??) it may be a flaw in the HbbTV plugin.
Or both :)