View Full Version : Hacked box

05-05-16, 15:20
Hi could my sat box be hacked? i have a gigablue quad behind a router, password on box was set to default,just wondering cause someone connected to my shares :S and now i am banned :(

05-05-16, 15:53
Could be, did u open any ports on your router? Or download dodgy addons?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-05-16, 18:32
default password = no password = not the best idea if the box is connected to the net.


05-05-16, 21:04
is there a log on the box that shows the list of logins both successful and otherwise?

05-05-16, 22:24
Not sure how to get a log, as for addons I just have a few skins blackspirit and kravenhd, kodi player with not a lot of plugins. I have a asus router nt-n56u pretty much as default but with changed ips and passwords and Mac address only alowed

05-05-16, 22:34
Not sure how to get a log, as for addons I just have a few skins blackspirit and kravenhd, kodi player with not a lot of plugins. I have a asus router nt-n56u pretty much as default but with changed ips and passwords and Mac address only alowed

have you not setup any port forwarding on your router to the enigma box?

05-05-16, 22:40
no only maybee xbox ports

06-05-16, 07:23
is there a log on the box that shows the list of logins both successful and otherwise?

when logged into the box through telnet/ssh run
last -F -n 10

its generally only since the last reboot though

06-05-16, 11:26
no only maybee xbox ports

other than some dodgy plugins on the box (as suggested earlier) i dont see how someone could hack into your box if it doesnt have access from the outside network.

06-05-16, 13:04
Apparently its quite easy for some unscrupulous techy people.

06-05-16, 14:09
Apparently its quite easy for some unscrupulous techy people.

As said only if you have opened ports if you haven't then you should be fine

07-05-16, 08:05
Not sure how to get a log, as for addons I just have a few skins blackspirit and kravenhd, kodi player with not a lot of plugins. I have a asus router nt-n56u pretty much as default but with changed ips and passwords and Mac address only alowed

this is an old article you should ensure the firmware on the router is the latest version and i would also disable any or the Asus cloud sharing ECT, most common way to bypass a firewall is to use a man in the middle attack that normally requires some form of social engineering :-) like Click this link here :-) (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=why+you+should+never+click+a+link)


The fear of been hack is probably grater than you ever getting hacked most hackers are likely to attack you out for financial gain and are normally just script kiddies so its unlikely that they would target your shares as they would be looking for your bank details......

keeping your OS,Virus checker and router firmware up to date is a good start and be careful on what you click on.......... its more likely the shares provider was attacked :-)

14-05-16, 12:46
guys how do i find out these ip logs and how do i know what ports to change

14-05-16, 22:05
How do I change the password to access my box?

14-05-16, 22:31
Have you tried reflashing it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

14-05-16, 22:35
I was just asking as I want to change it?

abu baniaz
14-05-16, 22:56
You change the password to the receiver the same way you set it.

14-05-16, 23:12
I didn't set it?

abu baniaz
14-05-16, 23:17
Then there is no password.

The greatest risk is when people expose their receiver to the internet because they want to stream/set timers remotely. Or put their receiver in the DMZ on the router. Best to setup SSH access, see Pembo's guide.

15-05-16, 10:24
I use Telnet to change the password. You can either download and use Putty Telnet client or you can enable the Telnet client in Windows. You can find details on how to enable the Windows Telnet client using google.

Lets say the IP on your box is

Go to the windows run box and type telnet


When you have done that you should see the Telnet box. It will be asking for the box user name which will be root
It will then ask for the box password. This could be image specific and could be pkteam, dreambox or nothing at all, you will need to know this in order to change your password using this method.


One you are in your box, just type passwd

This will then ask you to enter the new password. ( It will not show whilst you are typing) press enter to confirm.
It will then ask you to re-enter the same password, again press enter to confirm.

Your pass word is now changed.


Thanks to Boris from another forum for the screen shots :D

15-05-16, 21:33
kool thanks ,