View Full Version : Expand Memory (Flash & RAM)

02-05-16, 18:27
Hi Guys,
Is there a way to expand PHYSICALLY the flash and/or the RAM in a DUO?
I know this is too technical but I wondered if there's a way to solve efficiently the lack of memory in this otherwise perfect receiver !
I'm fed up with the slowing machine and especially the contraints on adding loads of plugins and extensions.
I'm tempted to buy a new DUO2 but it costs a hell of a money, whereas the main difference with the DUO is the flash and the RAM !!
Thx for all ideas and suggestions....

02-05-16, 20:24
no. You can "extend" flash and memory with flashextender plugin and swap memory. The price is loss of speed.


02-05-16, 20:48
The Duo was a fine receiver in it'd day but it is getting long in the tooth now and as you have found, really struggles with the newer images.

The Duo2 is a giant leap forward by comparison and is currently priced at probably less that the original Duo was back then. Apart from more flash and ram, it has a much faster processor. If you buy one, you will realise just how slow the old Duo was and wonder why you didn't bite the bullet ages ago.

15-05-16, 12:25
So nobody every tried to solder new memory chip directly on the mainboard if the receiver? ?

15-05-16, 17:14
Its not just the memory. Processor is dated also.

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15-05-16, 19:13
I know that. But the main issue I'm confronted with is that the flesh memory is quickly saturated with just a few plugins. If this is solved I can live with the low speed...

15-05-16, 20:27
Then the flash expander plugin is what you need. Personally I wouldn't use it as it will lead to instability never mind the box running slower.

15-05-16, 20:35
Also do you have a swap file enabled? Go with a 256MB option to your HDD when you setup the swap file.

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