View Full Version : [VU+ Solo SE] Error on start up?

01-05-16, 08:27
my box has been working 100% never no problems
last night I was messing about with kodidiresct plugin..installed a few things...tried watching a stream.and the box crashed with a black screen error message...I think before when I was in kodi the box was out of memory..i have no hard drive.i just use the internal memory of the vu+solo se
now the box restarts ....black error message??????
then goes to the openvix blue screen logo and the vix grey logo is just spinning in the to left hand corner

can you please help to get me up and running again.....
I have filessila if this can help clear something to make the box kickin and work again
thanks in advance

01-05-16, 08:41
Why use Kodidirect in the first place, awful plugin. vuplus-kodi is the proper Kodi plugin you need. You say you don't use any external device like an HDD, where are you putting your EPG data? And I hope you don't say to the internal flash!

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26-05-16, 08:27
Hi, Apologies for hi-jacking this thread. I have what seems the same problem. I too installed KO'd direct plug and I also have no had and therefore assume I've installed epg on flash and therefore run out of space which I assume has caused the problem. d'oh! How can I reset